Jaunums – ISSP Komerciālās fotogrāfijas meistarklases


ISSP piedāvā sešu meistarklašu ciklu labāko Latvijas un Baltijas komerciālo fotogrāfu vadībā. Ja Tu jau pelni vai vēlies nopelnīt ar fotogrāfiju, meistarklases sniegs iespēju papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes, būtiski uzlabot attēlu uzņemšanas iemaņas, vienlaikus attīstot radošo vīziju un ieguldot jēgpilnas karjeras attīstībā. Pavadi intensīvu, radošu dienu ar jauniem kolēģiem un domubiedriem un gūsti atbildes uz visvairāk interesējošiem jautājumiem, mācoties no atzītākajiem profesionāļiem Baltijā.

Katrs pasniedzējs sniegs ieskatu savā profesionālajā praksē, industrijas ikdienā un aizkulisēs, kā arī dalīsies ar svarīgiem praktiskiem padomiem jeb tips & tricks. Meistarklases ietvers gan pasniedzēja īpaši veidotu prezentāciju un diskusiju, gan praktisko daļu – fotogrāfa darba demonstrāciju, kopīgu fotosesiju vai portfolio skati.

23.11.2019. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.

7.12.2019. – Portrets studijā ar Artūru Kondrātu

11.01.2020. – Bērnu fotogrāfija ar Katrīnu Tangu / Photographing Children with Katrina Tang

25.01.2020. – Kāzu fotogrāfija ar Intu Lankovsku

08.02.2020. – Arhitektūras fotogrāfija ar Tonu Tunnelu / Architectural Photography with Tõnu Tunnel

29.02.2020. – Fotogrāfija žurnāliem ar Aigu Rēdmani – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.

14.03.2020. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – ATKĀRTOJUMS

Plašāka informācija un pieteikšanās: https://ej.uz/ISSPkomercfoto


ISSP is offering a cycle of masterclasses in commercial photography, led by leading Baltic photographers*. If you are already working or aspire to earn a living with commercial photography, these masterclasses offer you the opportunity to advance your professional abilities and improve your practical skill set, while helping you to develop your own creative vision and a meaningful future career. Spend an intense, creative day with new colleagues and like-minded people and get answers to all your questions by learning from the most recognized professionals in the Baltics.

Each lecturer will give an insight into their professional practice, paired with important practical tips and tricks, as well as an insight into the daily life and “behind-the-scenes” of the industry. Each masterclass will include a presentation and discussions, as well as a practical part - portfolio reviews, a photoshoot or demonstration.

*Three of the masterclasses are taking place in English and are open to international participants (see above).

More information and applications: https://ej.uz/ISSPcommercialphotography

ISSP 2009 Exhibition Opening in Riga

We are happy to announce that the ISSP 2009 results are about to be presented in Riga - the ISSP 2009 Exhibition opens on 3 December 2009, 18:30 at Goethe-Institute Riga! All the participants, family and friends of the International Summer School of Photography are invited!

ISSP 2009 exhibition in Riga

The date and time of the ISSP 2009 Vernissage in Riga is 3 December 2009, 18:30, at Goethe Institute !

The exhibition will feature a selection of most vivid works (5 per workshop), to be selected by ISSP teachers. We also very much hope to present the ISSP 2010 Catalogue!
Everyone is cordially invited!

In connection with the Opening we also present first ISSP workshop in Riga: Photoworks presentation: sequence, context & strategies or How To Get Your Work Out in Public by Kai Olaf Hesse from BerlinPhotoWorkshops. Two days, December 4-5, applications till November 20. More information coming soon!

ISSP 2009 gallery online!

Hallelujah! After a couple weeks of struggle with technicalities, the Gallery of ISSP 2009 final works is available online - see here !

If you still notice any small mistakes, please contact us!

ISSP evening programme

ISSP 2009 is officially launched by now! :) The evening programme Sunday - Wednesday, as well as the Gala Event and the Opening of the Exhibition on Saturday 8 August is open for guests and visitors!

ISSP 2009 participants selected!

The ISSP Selection committee has completed its work evaluating 2009 applications. It was a hard task to select the best 50 (52!) out of 108 - and we did receive more quality applications than we could accept…

Congratulations to the chosen ones! ;) We are looking forward to hearing your participation confirmations soon. And, yes, over ten applicants are currently in the waiting list, in case any places free up.

We also want to thank everyone who applied this year - we really appreciate the interest and hope you try again next year. All of the applicants will very soon receive emails informing of the status.

2009 application process completed

Hey hey! The admission of applications for ISSP 2009 has been completed yesterday - we have received over 100 applications, from over 20 (!) countries. Thanks to all of you for your interest!

The selected participants shall be announced on this site in the beginning of June. We will also inform all the applicants by email.

Till very soon! :)

Vanessa Winship to teach ISSP Workshop nr.5

Good news - the teacher for Workshop nr.5 of ISSP 2009 is finally confirmed! Vanessa Winship (UK) will be giving a workshop on Environmental portrait. Vanessa is a double winner of World Press Photo Competition (1998 and 2008) and a Photographer of the Year 2008 of SONY World Photography Awards. We are very happy for this solution and grateful to SONY for special support. See www.vanessawinship.com for more on the latest addition to ISSP 2009 teachers’ group.

Ps. Applications to ISSP still open until 17 May 2009!

NB! New ISSP 2009 application deadline - 17 May

Dear all! The term for submitting ISSP Applications has been prolonged till 17 May 2009!
We apologise for the delay with 5th workshop announcement, and hope to have the information on the web-site by the end of this week.

Looking forward to receiving your applications!!