Skolas izlaidums un Atvērto Durvju diena 5.jūnijā
Trešdien, 5. jūnijā, plkst 18:00, aicinām visus ISSP draugus, radus un interesentus uz Skolas Atverto Durvju dienu - 2. kursa izlaidumu un gala darbu prezentāciju, kā arī Pagalma Svētkiem!
ISSP piedāvā sešu meistarklašu ciklu labāko Latvijas un Baltijas komerciālo fotogrāfu vadībā. Ja Tu jau pelni vai vēlies nopelnīt ar fotogrāfiju, meistarklases sniegs iespēju papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes, būtiski uzlabot attēlu uzņemšanas iemaņas, vienlaikus attīstot radošo vīziju un ieguldot jēgpilnas karjeras attīstībā. Pavadi intensīvu, radošu dienu ar jauniem kolēģiem un domubiedriem un gūsti atbildes uz visvairāk interesējošiem jautājumiem, mācoties no atzītākajiem profesionāļiem Baltijā.
Katrs pasniedzējs sniegs ieskatu savā profesionālajā praksē, industrijas ikdienā un aizkulisēs, kā arī dalīsies ar svarīgiem praktiskiem padomiem jeb tips & tricks. Meistarklases ietvers gan pasniedzēja īpaši veidotu prezentāciju un diskusiju, gan praktisko daļu – fotogrāfa darba demonstrāciju, kopīgu fotosesiju vai portfolio skati.
23.11.2019. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
7.12.2019. – Portrets studijā ar Artūru Kondrātu
11.01.2020. – Bērnu fotogrāfija ar Katrīnu Tangu / Photographing Children with Katrina Tang
25.01.2020. – Kāzu fotogrāfija ar Intu Lankovsku
08.02.2020. – Arhitektūras fotogrāfija ar Tonu Tunnelu / Architectural Photography with Tõnu Tunnel
29.02.2020. – Fotogrāfija žurnāliem ar Aigu Rēdmani – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
14.03.2020. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – ATKĀRTOJUMS
Plašāka informācija un pieteikšanās: https://ej.uz/ISSPkomercfoto
ISSP is offering a cycle of masterclasses in commercial photography, led by leading Baltic photographers*. If you are already working or aspire to earn a living with commercial photography, these masterclasses offer you the opportunity to advance your professional abilities and improve your practical skill set, while helping you to develop your own creative vision and a meaningful future career. Spend an intense, creative day with new colleagues and like-minded people and get answers to all your questions by learning from the most recognized professionals in the Baltics.
Each lecturer will give an insight into their professional practice, paired with important practical tips and tricks, as well as an insight into the daily life and “behind-the-scenes” of the industry. Each masterclass will include a presentation and discussions, as well as a practical part - portfolio reviews, a photoshoot or demonstration.
*Three of the masterclasses are taking place in English and are open to international participants (see above).
More information and applications: https://ej.uz/ISSPcommercialphotography
Trešdien, 5. jūnijā, plkst 18:00, aicinām visus ISSP draugus, radus un interesentus uz Skolas Atverto Durvju dienu - 2. kursa izlaidumu un gala darbu prezentāciju, kā arī Pagalma Svētkiem!
Izsludinām pieteikšanos ISSP Skolas jaunajā mācību kursā 2013/2015! Ja Tu padziļināti interesējies un nodarbojies ar fotogrāfiju un vēlies paplašināt savu izpratni par fotogrāfijas mediju, gūstot pieredzi no Latvijas labākajiem speciālistiem, Skola ir domāta Tev! Pieteikumus pieņēmam līdz 21.jūnijam.
Here we go - the list of selected ISSP 2013 participants is out (pending confirmations) - 72 photographers from 26 countries, 5 continents! We thank all the 254 who applied and the Jury for their hard work... there are many more very good applications in the waiting list... All the applicants must have received notification by email by now - if you haven't got one, check your spam folder!
Dear all, the ISSP 2013 application process is successfully closed - we have received 254 applications from over 40 countries, thank you all! The ISSP International Jury - photographers Alnis Stakle (LV) and Alexander Gronsky (RU/LV), and Chief Editor of GUP Magazine Erik Vroons (NL) - start to work this week. The results of the selection process will be known by the end of May.
Only six days left to apply for the ultimate photography experience of this summer! We will be accepting the ISSP 2013 applications till 24:00 8th of May (Latvian time)!
No šodienas var pieteikties arī portfolio skatei ar World Press Photo konkursa laureātiem Janu Grarupu, Stefanu Vanfleterenu un Aleksandru Gronski, kura notiks 24.maijā Rīgā.
From today you can also apply for portfolio review with World Press Photo winners Jan Grarup, Stephan Vanfleteren and Alexander Gronsky that will take place on 24 May in Riga.
We are pleased to invite applications for the masterclass by Jan Grarup "Keep it simple: the Essence of Photojournalism" on 24-26 May 2013. A photojournalist with over 20 years experience from the world's gravest conflict zones, Jan won his eighth World Press Photo award this year and will be in Riga as part of the World Press Photo exhibition education programme. Applications accepted till 10th May!
While the ISSP 2013 is in preparation, here are some flashbacks from the fabulous 2012 edition! Big thanks for all involved!
Dear friends, attention! We are delighted to announce that the applications for the ISSP 2013 are now open! This year, the ISSP masters are Esther Teichmann, Todd Hido, Yan Morvan, Yuri Kozirev & Andrei Polikanov, Teun van der Heijden and Elina Brotherus. You can send in your applications till 8 May 2013.
ISSP 2013 Masters & workshops here.
Spread the news!
The ISSP 2013 call for applications will be announced soon! Meanwhile, you can see the 2013 masters and workshop subjects here.
Happy New year everyone! We are glad to inform that ISSP 2013 will take place on 3-11 August in Kuldīga. The call for applications will be open from the end of March until the beginning of May 2013. More information to come, stay tuned!
A complete collection of the ISSP 2012 participants' final works is online in the galleries of this website and on vimeo!