ISSP piedāvā sešu meistarklašu ciklu labāko Latvijas un Baltijas komerciālo fotogrāfu vadībā. Ja Tu jau pelni vai vēlies nopelnīt ar fotogrāfiju, meistarklases sniegs iespēju papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes, būtiski uzlabot attēlu uzņemšanas iemaņas, vienlaikus attīstot radošo vīziju un ieguldot jēgpilnas karjeras attīstībā. Pavadi intensīvu, radošu dienu ar jauniem kolēģiem un domubiedriem un gūsti atbildes uz visvairāk interesējošiem jautājumiem, mācoties no atzītākajiem profesionāļiem Baltijā.
Katrs pasniedzējs sniegs ieskatu savā profesionālajā praksē, industrijas ikdienā un aizkulisēs, kā arī dalīsies ar svarīgiem praktiskiem padomiem jeb tips & tricks. Meistarklases ietvers gan pasniedzēja īpaši veidotu prezentāciju un diskusiju, gan praktisko daļu – fotogrāfa darba demonstrāciju, kopīgu fotosesiju vai portfolio skati.
23.11.2019. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
ISSP is offering a cycle of masterclasses in commercial photography, led by leading Baltic photographers*. If you are already working or aspire to earn a living with commercial photography, these masterclasses offer you the opportunity to advance your professional abilities and improve your practical skill set, while helping you to develop your own creative vision and a meaningful future career. Spend an intense, creative day with new colleagues and like-minded people and get answers to all your questions by learning from the most recognized professionals in the Baltics.
Each lecturer will give an insight into their professional practice, paired with important practical tips and tricks, as well as an insight into the daily life and “behind-the-scenes” of the industry. Each masterclass will include a presentation and discussions, as well as a practical part - portfolio reviews, a photoshoot or demonstration.
*Three of the masterclasses are taking place in English and are open to international participants (see above).
We are very pleased to announce the ISSP masters for this August: Adrian Kelterborn, Antonin Kratochvil, Mark Steinmetz, Simon Norfolk, Yurie Nagashima, Rafal Milach and Ania Nalecka! More information in masters&workshops. Call for Applications will be open from the end of March - follow this website for more information!
Applications are open for Artist's Book Workshop with Nico Baumgarten, from 3-7 May in Riga! Photographers, illustrators, graphic artists and other creatives with projects ready for presentation in form of a book are welcome to apply by 1st April!
Dear friends, the dates for this year ISSP are 2 - 10 August and we will announce call for applications in the end of March as usual. Location unchanged - Pelči, Kuldīga!
We cordially invite everyone to the opening of the ISSP 2013 Final works exhibition on 10th August in Kuldīga Arts hall! / Laipni lūgti ISSP 2013 noslēgumu darbu izstādes atklāšanā 10.augustā Kuldīgas Mākslas namā!
Ik vakaru no svētdienas 4.augustam līdz piektdienai 9.augustam ISSP mītnē Pelčos, Kuldīgas novadā notiks unikālas ISSP meistaru lekcijas un prezentācijas ISSP vakaru programmas ietvaros. Tradicionāli, ISSP vakaru programma ir atvērta visiem fotogrāfijas interesentiem bez maksas - laipni lūgti!
Traditionally, the ISSP evening programme will be open to all photography lovers - free of charge! Every evening starting from Sunday, 4 August, till Friday, 9 August, we will offer a series of fascinating presentations and artist talks by ISSP masters, participants and invited guests at the ISSP campus in Pelči /Kuldīga. On Saturday, the 10th, everyone is invited to the opening of the exhibition of ISSP final works at the Kuldiga Arts Hall and the screening of participants' works at Kuldīga open air cinema.
Priecājamies un lepojamies paziņot, ka publicēta jauna mājaslapa ar ISSP Skolas absolventu gala darbiem - 10 pašizdotām fotogrāfijas autorgrāmatām. NB! līdz piektdienai 21.06. pieņēmam pieteikumus Skolas jaunajām mācību kursam 2013-2015!
Check out 10 self-published photobooks created by ISSP school graduates on the brand new website!