ISSP piedāvā sešu meistarklašu ciklu labāko Latvijas un Baltijas komerciālo fotogrāfu vadībā. Ja Tu jau pelni vai vēlies nopelnīt ar fotogrāfiju, meistarklases sniegs iespēju papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes, būtiski uzlabot attēlu uzņemšanas iemaņas, vienlaikus attīstot radošo vīziju un ieguldot jēgpilnas karjeras attīstībā. Pavadi intensīvu, radošu dienu ar jauniem kolēģiem un domubiedriem un gūsti atbildes uz visvairāk interesējošiem jautājumiem, mācoties no atzītākajiem profesionāļiem Baltijā.
Katrs pasniedzējs sniegs ieskatu savā profesionālajā praksē, industrijas ikdienā un aizkulisēs, kā arī dalīsies ar svarīgiem praktiskiem padomiem jeb tips & tricks. Meistarklases ietvers gan pasniedzēja īpaši veidotu prezentāciju un diskusiju, gan praktisko daļu – fotogrāfa darba demonstrāciju, kopīgu fotosesiju vai portfolio skati.
23.11.2019. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
ISSP is offering a cycle of masterclasses in commercial photography, led by leading Baltic photographers*. If you are already working or aspire to earn a living with commercial photography, these masterclasses offer you the opportunity to advance your professional abilities and improve your practical skill set, while helping you to develop your own creative vision and a meaningful future career. Spend an intense, creative day with new colleagues and like-minded people and get answers to all your questions by learning from the most recognized professionals in the Baltics.
Each lecturer will give an insight into their professional practice, paired with important practical tips and tricks, as well as an insight into the daily life and “behind-the-scenes” of the industry. Each masterclass will include a presentation and discussions, as well as a practical part - portfolio reviews, a photoshoot or demonstration.
*Three of the masterclasses are taking place in English and are open to international participants (see above).
We all try again and are looking forward to host Aaron Shuman in Riga this weekend, provided no more volcano surprises coming up. The lecture “Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs” will take place at kim? at 19:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.
The workshop Aesthetics of nostalgiawill run this weekend, 1-2 May. You are welcome to apply for several vacant places till this Friday, 30 April!
Hey hey! We are pleased to announce that the applications for the International Summer School of Photography 2010 are officially open. The deadline for applications is 10 May 2010. We will accept 60 students in total this year.
One small note! - our newly introduced on-line Application form still refuses to make friends with Safari browser, so problems with uploading photos there. Thus you will be on safer side if you use any other browser than Safari if you want to apply immediately. We are working on this problem, so hopefully everything works everywhere soon!
And of course, we are looking forward to seeing your applications!
And please, spread the news :)
The new OnLine Application form will materialize Very Soon (all of our fingers crossed). Meanwhile, the complete information on ISSP 2010 is already here. Take a look and prepare yourselves!
In framework of US culture month in Riga “Made in USA“, we are pleased to invite applications to an ISSP-runworkshop Aesthetics of nostalgia by a great photographer, editor, writer and curator Aaron Shuman. The workshop shall take place on 17-18 April 2010, at kim? Riga.
The two days course combines lectures, critique, and individual photographing by participants to explore in depth the subject of NOSTALGIA. See complete workshop description here, and apply till 15 April!
We are happy to present the fantastic collection of ISSP 2010 workshops! Please see Workshops & teachers. The electronic Application form will appear online very soon.
We are glad to announce that the applications for the double master-class by Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou in Riga are officially open! The workshop will take place on 27-28 March 2010 and is organized in cooperation with kim?
Hey hey! Just in case anybody doubts it - ISSP 2010 will take place this year, disregarding all the crises!!! And it will be greater than ever, with fantastic teachers, and of course, fantastic students!:) The dates are 31 July - 8 August 2010, in Ezersala, Ludza. We are actively working on the preparations and fundraising - lets keep our fingers crossed for our yet-unconfirmed supporters and sponsors, as we hope to keep the fees down as usual…
We plan to announce the applications by the beginning of April 2010! btw, we have received two applications already - using the 2009 form. these are considered too late… upps… too early ;-))
Yes, its true - Vanessa Winship is coming to visit us again, together with her partner, another great photographer George Georgiou!
The schedule of public events that we are planning in cooperation with kim? :
23 March 2010, 19:00 - Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou: artist talk & works presentation - open event for all interested
27-28 March 2010 (2 full days) - “Documentary practice and narrative, the long term project”: double master-class, workshop - previous application required
Good news! The ISSP 2009 Exhibition at Goethe Institute is prolonged till 20 March 2010! GI is open for public every working day till 8 pm and on Saturdays till 3:30. Address: Old Town, Torņa iela 1.