Roger Ballen on ISSP
Roger Ballen on ISSP (31 August 2010):
It was a wonderful experience teaching at ISSP. In this quiet rustic location the students immersed themselves into photography, into themselves.
ISSP piedāvā sešu meistarklašu ciklu labāko Latvijas un Baltijas komerciālo fotogrāfu vadībā. Ja Tu jau pelni vai vēlies nopelnīt ar fotogrāfiju, meistarklases sniegs iespēju papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes, būtiski uzlabot attēlu uzņemšanas iemaņas, vienlaikus attīstot radošo vīziju un ieguldot jēgpilnas karjeras attīstībā. Pavadi intensīvu, radošu dienu ar jauniem kolēģiem un domubiedriem un gūsti atbildes uz visvairāk interesējošiem jautājumiem, mācoties no atzītākajiem profesionāļiem Baltijā.
Katrs pasniedzējs sniegs ieskatu savā profesionālajā praksē, industrijas ikdienā un aizkulisēs, kā arī dalīsies ar svarīgiem praktiskiem padomiem jeb tips & tricks. Meistarklases ietvers gan pasniedzēja īpaši veidotu prezentāciju un diskusiju, gan praktisko daļu – fotogrāfa darba demonstrāciju, kopīgu fotosesiju vai portfolio skati.
23.11.2019. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
7.12.2019. – Portrets studijā ar Artūru Kondrātu
11.01.2020. – Bērnu fotogrāfija ar Katrīnu Tangu / Photographing Children with Katrina Tang
25.01.2020. – Kāzu fotogrāfija ar Intu Lankovsku
08.02.2020. – Arhitektūras fotogrāfija ar Tonu Tunnelu / Architectural Photography with Tõnu Tunnel
29.02.2020. – Fotogrāfija žurnāliem ar Aigu Rēdmani – VISAS VIETAS PILNAS, pagaidām pieteikšanās slēgta.
14.03.2020. – Modes fotogrāfija ar Jegoru Zaiku / Fashion Photography with Jegor Zaika – ATKĀRTOJUMS
Plašāka informācija un pieteikšanās: https://ej.uz/ISSPkomercfoto
ISSP is offering a cycle of masterclasses in commercial photography, led by leading Baltic photographers*. If you are already working or aspire to earn a living with commercial photography, these masterclasses offer you the opportunity to advance your professional abilities and improve your practical skill set, while helping you to develop your own creative vision and a meaningful future career. Spend an intense, creative day with new colleagues and like-minded people and get answers to all your questions by learning from the most recognized professionals in the Baltics.
Each lecturer will give an insight into their professional practice, paired with important practical tips and tricks, as well as an insight into the daily life and “behind-the-scenes” of the industry. Each masterclass will include a presentation and discussions, as well as a practical part - portfolio reviews, a photoshoot or demonstration.
*Three of the masterclasses are taking place in English and are open to international participants (see above).
More information and applications: https://ej.uz/ISSPcommercialphotography
Roger Ballen on ISSP (31 August 2010):
It was a wonderful experience teaching at ISSP. In this quiet rustic location the students immersed themselves into photography, into themselves.
Veronique Bourgoin on ISSP (31 August 2010):
Welcoming, strong, international, wild, professional, warm, free… the ISSP team produces a perfect cocktail to open up some crazy space for creation.
George Georgiou on ISSP (29 August 2010):
The organization, energy and enthusiasm of ISSP founders is contagious and sets the scene for the whole event. The remoteness of the location brings an intensity that is bonding for all who take part. The inspiration, friendships and energy will live with many for a long time. A week of great creativity and soul searching for all involved.
Andrei Polikanov on ISSP (26 August 2010):
The terrific and dangerously fruitful mixture of talent and youth, creativity and professionalism,responsibility and integrity, curiosity and persistence, joy and freedom- makes the ISSP summer school truly unforgettable. I miss it a lot!
Ville Lenkkeri on ISSP (24 August 2010):
Enthusiasm, energy and creative craziness seldom materialize in such progressive and altruistic form as in case of ISSP. It is the way of working of the organizers as well as the surroundings that they have chosen that set the atmosphere of the summer school. And the atmosphere is one of joyful creation; brotherhood of attempt, sisterhood of success.
The ISSP 2010 Exhibition was festively opened on 7 August 2010. Visitors are welcome to view the entire collection of artistic projects of 65 participants in Ludza till 2 October 2010.
The ISSP Evening Programme at Ezersala boarding school (Ludza district) from 1st till 7th August will be traditionally open for interested visitors and guests! Detailed programme in English here.
Mesdames et Messieurs! Here you will find the latest ISSP 2010 programme, list of participants (confirmed), and information for participants.
From 5th till ~11 July a considerable part of ISSP team will be in sunny Arles in France, for the Rencontres d’Arles festival! Any photography education establishments who wish to think about joint cooperation projects, or simply to get to know ISSP and enjoy our company and a glass of french vine together are welcome to contact us. You can write to office@issp.lv. À très bientôt! :)
Here is the list of selected ISSP participants by workshop - an amazing group from 24 countries! covering 4 continents! :)
Special thanks to our evaluation committee - Arnis Balčus and Iveta Vaivode - for the difficult job of evaluating applications, since there were so many excellent ones…
A notification of the selection results has been sent to every applicant by email.
We are looking forward for participants’ confirmations and to seeing this colorful company come to Ludza!
Dear all, we have completed the selection process and are getting ready to announce the results. The list of ISSP selected participants will be announced to applicants by email and on this site today - tomorrow.
Dear all, the ISSP Application period is now closed. We have received 182 applications from a total of 41 countries. The runners-up after Latvia (54) are Germany (15), Italy/Russia (11), UK (10), and Finland/Turkey (7). The furthest ones are Canada/US, South Africa, and Hong Kong. We seem to have gone global this year. This is truly exciting, thank you all!
We are looking forward for evaluating the applications! The results of participants’ selection will be known by the end of the month - everyone who applied will hear from us. Have a great month of May! :)
Just a reminder: the deadline for the ISSP 2010 Applications is 10 May 2010 as announced and will not be prolonged. We will be accepting applications till 24:00 Monday, 10th of May. Any applications arriving later will only be considered for the Waiting list, if at all.
Ps. We are already very excited about the amazing collection of applications that have already arrived (by now from 28 countries, 4 continents)! We wish you all good luck and are looking forward for the selection process!