The ISSP International Masterclass is a year-long international mentorship and networking programme for emerging photographers. The programme offers 24 selected participants to develop their personal projects under supervision by some of the greatest tutors we have worked with, as well as invited industry experts. The participants take part in three workshop sessions - in Lithuania, Latvia and in Sicily, with regular online feedback in between. The programme is meant for both self-taught photographers and recent graduates from academic programmes, who wish to pursue an extended personal project and take their work to the next level. 

Masterclass 2019/2022 with Lisa Barnard and Jason Fulford (October 2019 - June 2022 - completed) 
Masterclass 2018/2019: Peter Bialobrzeski and Clare Strand & Gordon MacDonald (completed)
Masterclass 2016/2017: Phil Toledano and Simon Norfolk (completed)
Masterclass 2015/2016: Aaron Schuman and Andrei Polikanov & Yuri Kozyrev (completed) 

More information: www.isspmasterclass.com and the Masterclass Facebook page.

ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 exhibition in Kuldīga

The final exhibition of the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 will open at Kuldīgas Mākslas nams 16 March 6 PM. Projects created by 22 photographers from 15 countries, mentored for a year by Gordon MacDonald & Clare Strand and Peter Bialobrzeski, will be on view until 7 April. 

Sestdien, 16. martā, plkst. 18.00 Kuldīgas Mākslas namā tiks atklāta ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases 2018/2019 noslēguma izstāde. Tajā līdz pat 7. aprīlim būs apskatāmas 22 meistarklases dalībnieku radītas fotogrāfiju sērijas, video darbi, grāmatas, keramikas skulptūras un citi objekti, tapuši gadu gara intensīva radoša procesa rezultātā.

Artist talks in Kuldīga - March 2018

Nākošnedēļ Kuldīgā norisināsies ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases sessija - aicinām uz lielisko programmas pasniedzēju un dalībnieku atvērtām lekcijām un darbu pezentācijām Kuldīgā no 12. - 15. martam!  

As part of the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 first session in Kuldīga, talks and presentations by programme tutors and participants are open to all lovers of photography and image-based art from 12 to 15 March! 

Call for Applications - ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019

The applications for the next round of the ISSP International Masterclass are now open! The programme offers a year-long mentorship for 24 emerging photographers, with three intense workshop sessions between Kuldīga and Sicily and online feedback in between. The mentors for 2018/2019 are Peter Bialobrzeski ("A Sense of Change") and Clare Strand and Gordon MacDonald ("Answering Questions & Questioning Answers"). The programme will start in March 2018, applications accepted by 10 January 2018!
Information and applications: www.isspmasterclass.com 

ISSP International Masterclass 2016/2017 exhibition in Kuldīga

The final session of the ISSP International Masterclass 2016/2017 has just been completed in Kuldīga, and the projects by 20 photographers from 13 countries, mentored for a year by Phillip Toledano and Simon Norfolk are on show for the first time in Kuldīga Arts Hall! The Exhibition is open until 19 November!  

ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases 2016/2017 noslēguma izstāde, kas ietver 20 meistarklases dalībnieku radītas sērijas, video darbus, fotogrāmatas un instalācijas, tapušās gadu gara internsīva radoša procesa rezultātā, ir atvērta Kuldīgas Mākslas namā līdz 19.novembrim! 

ISSP Masterclass evening talks in Kuldīga

An exciting programme of evening talks by our special guests Emma Bowkett, Teun van der Heijden, Lars Willumeit and The Cool Couple will be open to the public in Kuldīga as part of the final session of the 2016/2017 ISSP International Masterclass!

Visu nedēļu Kuldīgā piedāvājam aizraujošu vakara programmu ar fotogrāfijas jomas ekspertiem, bet sestdien aicinām uz ISSP Starptautiskās Meistarklases 2016/2017 izstādes atklāšanu Kuldīgas Mākslas namā. 

ISSP Masterclass evening talks in Kuldīga: Norfolk, Toledano

We're starting a new cycle of the ISSP International Masterclass, and as part of its first session in Kuldīga, a series of talks and presentations by the tutors and participants are open to all photography lovers, free of charge!

Sākam jaunu ciklu ISSP Starptautiskajai meistarklasei - tās pirmās sesijas ietvaros, interesentiem ir iespēja apmeklēt programmas pasniedzēju un studentu lekcijas un prezentācijas. Pasākumi ir bez maksas!

Call for Applications - ISSP International Masterclass 2016/2017

We are very happy to announce the second cycle of the ISSP International Masterclass - a year-long programme with some of the best tutors we have ever worked with. The 2016/2017 programme with Simon Norfolk and Phillip Toledano will start in October 2016 and host three sessions in Kuldīga, Latvia and Palermo, Sicily! 
Applications deadline - 1 July 2016 at www.ISSPmasterclass.com!  

ISSP International Masterclass exhibition MIXTAPE

Till 2 June we invite to see the exhibition of five alumni of the ISSP International Masterclass - Ieva Raudsepa, Emanuele Camerini, Ulrike Schmitz, Merlin Nadj-Torma, Salvatore Vitale MIXTAPE, curated by Aaron Schuman - opening on 13 May at 20:00 at K.K. fon Stricka Villa!

Līdz 2. jūnijam aicinām apskatīt ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases absolventu iztādi MIXTAPE, kurā apskatāmi Ievas Raudsepas (LV), Salvatores Vitāles (IT/CH), Emanueles Kamerīni (IT), Ulrikes Šmites (DE) un Merlinas Nadj-Tormas (DE) - darbi. Izstādes kurators - Ārons Šumans (UK). Atklāšana 13. maijā plkst. 20:00 K.K.for Stricka villā!