Tikšanās ar šībrīža ISSP Rīgas Rezidences mākslinieci Selīnu Gobilāru (Francija).
A meeting with ISSP Riga Residency artist Celine Gobillard (FR).
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Selīna Gobilāra ir māksliniece no Francijas, kas pēc vairākiem profesionālās dzīves posmiem nolēma pievērsties fotogrāfijai. Viņa ir ieguvusi zināšanas pašmācības ceļā, kā arī piedalījusies dažādās darbnīcās (ar Klavdiju Slubanu, Jusufu Sevincli un Arju Hītiainenu). Literatūra viņai ir svarīgs iedvesmas avots; Selīnas interešu lokā ir transrealitāte, kā arī sapņu, daiļliteratūras un fantāzijas esamība mūsu ikdienas dzīvē.
Papildus personīgajiem projektiem viņa piedalās arī kolektīvos projektos, kur fotogrāfija mijiedarbojas ar citiem mākslinieciskās izpausmes veidiem (teksts, skaņa, performance). Viņa šobrīd dzīvo Nantes pilsētā, Francijā.
Pagājušajā gadā Selīna atklāja ISSP, piedaloties vasaras skolā, un pēc tam nolēma pieteikties rezidencei Rīgā, kur viņa dzīvo un strādā šī gada augustā/septembrī.
:: ENG ::
After several professional lives, french artist Celine Gobillard decided to focus on photography. As a self-taught photographer, she has participated in several workshops (with Klavdij Sluban, Yusuf Sevincli and Arja Hyytiäinen). Literature is an important source of inspiration; she works on issues of transreality, and the immersion of dreams, fiction and fantasy into daily life.
Beyond personal projects, she has also participated in collective propositions in which photography meets other forms of artistic expression (text, sound, performance). She currently lives in Nantes.
Last year, she discovered ISSP by participating in the summer school, and decided then to apply for the residency, where she is working between August - September 2019.
Ieeja bez maksas, pasākums notiks angļu valodā.
Free entrance, the event will take place in English.
We all try again and are looking forward to host Aaron Shuman in Riga this weekend, provided no more volcano surprises coming up. The lecture “Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs” will take place at kim? at 19:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.
The workshop Aesthetics of nostalgiawill run this weekend, 1-2 May. You are welcome to apply for several vacant places till this Friday, 30 April!
In framework of US culture month in Riga “Made in USA“, we are pleased to invite applications to an ISSP-runworkshop Aesthetics of nostalgia by a great photographer, editor, writer and curator Aaron Shuman. The workshop shall take place on 17-18 April 2010, at kim? Riga.
The two days course combines lectures, critique, and individual photographing by participants to explore in depth the subject of NOSTALGIA. See complete workshop description here, and apply till 15 April!
Yes, its true - Vanessa Winship is coming to visit us again, together with her partner, another great photographer George Georgiou!
The schedule of public events that we are planning in cooperation with kim? :
23 March 2010, 19:00 - Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou: artist talk & works presentation - open event for all interested
27-28 March 2010 (2 full days) - “Documentary practice and narrative, the long term project”: double master-class, workshop - previous application required
Good news! The ISSP 2009 Exhibition at Goethe Institute is prolonged till 20 March 2010! GI is open for public every working day till 8 pm and on Saturdays till 3:30. Address: Old Town, Torņa iela 1.
You are most welcome to attend the ISSP 2009 Exhibition at Goethe Institute Riga (Torņu iela 1, entrance from Klosteru iela). The Exhibition is open Mondays-Fridays 09:00 – 20:00, Saturdays: 09:00 – 15:30, till 31 January 2010!
We are happy to announce that the ISSP 2009 results are about to be presented in Riga - the ISSP 2009 Exhibition opens on 3 December 2009, 18:30 at Goethe-Institute Riga! All the participants, family and friends of the International Summer School of Photography are invited!
The date and time of the ISSP 2009 Vernissage in Riga is 3 December 2009, 18:30, at Goethe Institute !
The exhibition will feature a selection of most vivid works (5 per workshop), to be selected by ISSP teachers. We also very much hope to present the ISSP 2010 Catalogue!
Everyone is cordially invited!
In connection with the Opening we also present first ISSP workshop in Riga: Photoworks presentation: sequence, context & strategies or How To Get Your Work Out in Public by Kai Olaf Hesse from BerlinPhotoWorkshops. Two days, December 4-5, applications till November 20. More information coming soon!
We have launched a new activity - a series of ISSP club meetings in Riga! The club evenings will take place with an approximate regularity of every second week. In the programme: ISSP participants’ presentation of completed or ongoing projects, invited artists’ talks, and a special selection of photography-related movies. The main motivation is to keep up the contacts and networking among the ISSP participants.
All ISSP friends are welcome! Information on upcoming events - in your mailboxes, or at ISSP Facebook group.
Ps. Thanks to Jānis & Red Roofs Hotel for location support!
The ISSP 2009 is sadly over … But, the ISSP Exhibition will remain open to the public in Ludza for a good duration of over a month - till 27 September 2009.
ISSP 2009 is officially launched by now! :) The evening programme Sunday - Wednesday, as well as the Gala Event and the Opening of the Exhibition on Saturday 8 August is open for guests and visitors!
The Exhibition will remain open to public at Goethe Institute Riga, Torna iela 1, from 6.10. till 1.11.2008, Mondays – Fridays 9:00-20:00, Saturdays 9:00-15:30