Open Call: 'Seeking the Latest in Photography!' Award 2025

Photo: Visvalds Morkevičs (LT)

Together with the Riga Photography Biennial, ISSP Gallery announce an Open Call for the ‘Seeking the Latest in Photography!’ Award 2025!

Young artists from Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are invited to submit their work until 6 October 2024. The winner of the award will be chosen by an international jury and will have an opportunity to hold a solo exhibition at the ISSP Gallery within the framework of the Riga Photography Biennial—NEXT 2025 program held in spring 2025, where the awarding of other laureates will also take place. The competition participants will also receive special prizes from the VV Foundation and the Lithuanian independent publishing initiative NoRoutine Books. 

The goal of the award is to discover and appraise the creative efforts of young artists who demonstrate the power of the image in their works, offering an original point of view and conceptual depth reflecting our current times.

The Riga Photography Biennial – NEXT is seeking portfolios of artists who stimulate discussion and offer diverse ideas. At the same time, we wish to provide a public platform for young artists at the beginning of their creative journey in photography or a medium associated with it, so that they can present themselves to a wider audience.

More information about the application process is available on the Riga Photography Biennial webpage

Artist talk: Rujuta Rao, Will Britten, Sui Lam

Friday, June 16 at 7 PM we invite you to an artist talk by our artists-in-residence Rujuta Rao and WIll Britten, and Sui Lam who is a resident at kuš!. They will speak about their work and present the projects they are working on during their stay in Riga.

ISSP Radošās meistarklases vasarā

Šovasar ISSP piedāvā trīs radošās meistardarbnīcas Latvijas laukos ar nozarē vadošiem fotogrāfiem un māksliniekiem Aigu Rēdmani un Ģirtu Raģeli (21.-23. jūlijā), Zani Priedi (28.-30. jūlijā), un Ivetu Gabaliņu (25.-27. augustā). ISSP radošās meistarklases būs iespēja iedvesmoties, eksperimentēt, piedzīvot kopīgu radošo procesu un paplašināt savu māksliniecisko rokrakstu talantīgu pasniedzēju vadībā. 

Open Call: LCCA Summer School 2023

Call for applications for the annual LCCA Summer School “Care of Earth, Care of People. System Change for an Inclusive and Sustainable Environments” in Smiltene, Latvia, 4 – 11 August 2023. The Summer School is open to early career artists, art historians, humanities and social science scholars, curators and cultural studies researchers. Application deadline: June 25.

Fotogrāfijas un zīnu nometne jauniešiem

Izsludinām pieteikšanos ISSP vasaras nometnei “Vasara pilsētā", kas norisināsies 3.–7. jūlijā Rīgā! Fotogrāfijas un zīnu nometne tiek veidota kā radošs un izglītojošs piedzīvojums jauniešiem vecumā no 11 līdz 15 gadiem. Tā piedāvās interaktīvas un izglītojošas aktivitātes, kas raisa interesi par laikmetīgo fotogrāfiju un mākslu, attīstīs radošumu, kritiskās analīzes spējas un izteiksmes brīvību.

Artist talk: Fred Mungo and Gina Wynbrandt

Friday, May 26, at 6 PM we invite you to an artist talk by our artist-in-residence Fred Mungo, and kuš! artist-in-residence Gina Wynbrandt! They will speak about their work and present the projects they are working on during their stay in Riga.

FUTURES unveils the selected artists for ENERGY exhibition

FUTURES Photography platform announce the selected artists of 2023 travel exhibition ENERGY: Redistributing Power and Taming Consumption. The open call received over 100 applications from across Europe. The selected artists are Antonio Guerra (ES), David Biro (HU), Hien Hoang (VE/DE), Marta Pinto Machado (CV/PT), Tanja Engelberts (NL), Umberto Diecinove (IT), Yana Kononova (UA) and Yana Wernicke (DE).

Ieva Baltaduonytė: Izrautie / Uprooted

No 12. maija līdz 13. jūlijam ISSP Galerijā ir skatāma Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles – NEXT 2023 apbalvojuma “Meklējam jauno fotogrāfijā!” laureātes, lietuviešu mākslinieces Ievas Baltadonītes izstāde “Izrautie”. Atklāšana notiks 11. maijā plkst. 18.00, bet plkst. 19.00 sekos piecu apbalvojumam pieteikto fotogrāfu darbu prezentācijas.

From May 12 to July 13, the ISSP Gallery is hosting Uprooted, an exhibition of the Riga Photography Biennial - NEXT 2023 award "Seeking the Latest in Photography!" winner, Lithuanian artist Ieva Baltaduonytė. The opening will take place on May 11 at 18:00, followed by presentations of works by the five photographers shortlisted for the award at 19:00.

Pašportretu darbnīca jauniešiem

Šo sestdien, 29. aprīlī, laikmetīgā teātra režisores Elīnas Cērpas multimediju izstādes “Jūtīgā virsma” ietvaros notiks darbnīca jauniešiem, kas veltīta pašportreta žanram. Darbnīca notiks ISSP telpā Berga Bazārā plkst. 12.00-15.00.

Elīnas Cērpas stāstījums par Bagdādes fotosalonu kultūru

Laikmetīgā teātra režisores Elīnas Cērpas multimediju izstādes “Jūtīgā virsma” ietvaros ISSP Galerija aicina iepazīties ar irākiešu fotogrāfa Jasīna Al-Obeīdī uzņemto portretu arhīvu un noklausīties mākslinieces stāstījumu par Bagdādes fotosalonu kultūru 27. aprīlī plkst. 20.00.

Andrejs Strokins' residency in Wilson, USA

Last year we were happy to organise a residency exchange with the Eyes on Main Street photography festival in Wilson, North Carolina (USA). While Italian photographer Andrea Torrei was working in Riga, Latvian photographer Andrejs Strokins spent the month of November documenting the everyday moments in Wilson.

Elīna Cērpa – Jūtīgā virsma // Sensitive Surface

No 25. marta līdz 4. maijam ISSP Galerijā būs skatāma laikmetīgā teātra režisores Elīnas Cērpas multimediju izstāde “Jūtīgā virsma”, kas ir veltīta fotografēšanai kā sevis izzināšanai un pieņemšanai, pētot  dziļi personiskus attēlu tapšanas iemeslus. Izstādes atklāšana notiks 24. martā plkst. 18.00.

From 25 March to 4 May the ISSP Gallery will host the multimedia exhibition Sensitive Surface by Latvian contemporary theatre director Elīna Cērpa. The exhibition is dedicated to photography as a tool for self-discovery and acceptance. The exhibition will open on 24 March at 18.00 at the ISSP Gallery.

Artist talk: Elizabeth Glauser, Martyna Nitkowska, Asuka Okajima

Wednesday, March 22, at 18:30 we invite you to an artist talk by our artists-in-residence Elizabeth Glauser and Martyna Nitkowska, and kuš! artist-in-residence Asuka Okajima! They will speak about their work and present the projects they are working on during their stay in Riga.