FUTURES unveils the selected artists for ENERGY exhibition

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FUTURES Photography platform announce the selected artists of 2023 travel exhibition ENERGY: Redistributing Power and Taming Consumption. The open call received over 100 applications from across Europe.

The selected artists are Antonio Guerra (ES), David Biro (HU), Hien Hoang (VE/DE), Marta Pinto Machado (CV/PT), Tanja Engelberts (NL), Umberto Diecinove (IT), Yana Kononova (UA) and Yana Wernicke (DE). Each artist presented unique and diverse perspectives on the theme of ENERGY, their projects will be shown at Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (Budapest),PhotoIreland (Dublin), and FOTODOK (Utrecht).

The jury was really enthusiastic about the quality of all the submissions: “We received 116 incredibly strong submissions. We spent a few days preparing, carefully looking through all projects, and making our individual short and long lists. Later, we gathered twice online, and spent overall more than six hours reflecting and discussing the proposals. There were so many talented artists and incredible work submitted, and we genuinely thought we could make three different selections and exhibitions with what was on the table: concerning “concrete” energy, protest, spiritual healing, communities, or forces of nature.

With the finalists that we collectively selected, we emphasize the diversity of the approaches to the subject matter. While some projects talk about the destructive forces of energy in warfare or in extractivist society (Engelberts, Kononova), others explore existing strategies as possible solutions (Biro, Diecinove, Guerra), exemplify desirable companionships (Wernicke) and reflect on healing (Hoang). Finally, there is a perspective on how the colonial and capitalist structures shaped contemporary cities and how the energy of presence in these spaces could be a form of resistance (Machado).

It was important for us to see the relevance of the proposal and unique artistic voice, and at the same time to make a complementary selection, where projects are different and yet can connect in an exhibition space. Since the open call is aimed at the creation of an exhibition, it was important for us to see how artists work with the medium of photography, materiality, and installations. So you can find projects that are conducted following a documentary tradition (like Kononova who works with film and direct documentation). Others bring in VR experience (Hoang) or installations with the use of different elements of the subjects explored (Guerra). Narrative might be the key for particular projects (Diecinove), and on the other pole from that would be abstract work where form and concept are in the lead (Biro).

Finally, we wanted to make our selection critical including artists of different generations and stages of their careers, and give them equal opportunities. Last but not least, we largely enjoyed the process, the thoughtful and respectful discussion, and the unique chance to study all the amazing submitted projects. Many that we really liked didn’t make it to the final selection, but made it to our research internal lists, and definitely to our hearts.”

The Jury: Ángel Luis González and Julia Gelezova (PhotoIreland); Emese Mucsi (Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center); Daria Tuminas (FOTODOK); and Pamela Peters (FOMU). 

‍More information about the selected proposals

ISSP has launched a new two-year EU-funded cooperation project: Heritage Lens

Great News! Together with three other European photography centres, we have launched a new two-year EU-funded cooperation project: "Heritage Lens: Visual Narratives on Cultural Heritage Challenges and Resilience against Climate Change".

The project aims to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on European cultural heritage through artistic expression, employing the lens of photography. Through a transnational collaboration involving 12 photographers from around Europe, experts, and activists, HeritageLens seeks to facilitate the creation and dissemination of artistic works that raise awareness on this issue.

ISSP Christmas Gift TOP 10 / ISSP Ziemassvētku dāvanu TOP 10

Christmas is just around the corner, and we have curated a list of unique gift ideas for you and your fellow photo-lovers! By purchasing gifts from us, you support the ISSP Gallery, our public education programmes and the talented artists we work with. Wishing you a warm and magical holiday season from all of us at ISSP!

Tuvojas Ziemassvētku laiks, un esam izveidojuši ideālo sarakstu ar unikālām un pārdomātām dāvanu idejām Tev un Tev tuvajiem foto-mīļiem. Iegādājoties dāvanas pie mums, tu atbalsti ISSP galerijas darbību, publiskās programmas un māksliniekus, ar kuriem sadarbojamies. ISSP komanda vēl siltus un maģiskus svētkus!

Vara talismanu darbnīca: Senču ķermenis

Ziemas saulgriežos, 21. decembrī, plkst. 11.00-15.00 aicinām uz vara talismanu darbnīcu Ellas Ruicēnas vadībā!

Ziemas saulgrieži ir īpašs laiks, kas tradicionāli veltīts pārdomām un jaunu ieceru veidošanai. Šajā darbnīcā būs iespēja iepazīt talismanu veidošanas procesu - darināsim unikālus vara priekšmetus, kas var kalpot kā personīgi simboli vai atbalsts ikdienā. Darbnīca norisināsies ISSP Galerijā saistībā ar Annas Maskavas izstādi “Ancestral Body / Senču ķermenis”. 

Open Call: FUTURES Baltic Talents 2025

ISSP invites artists from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia working within the medium of photography to apply to become a part of FUTURES, the prestigious European-based photography platform dedicated to supporting emerging talents in photography. Three artists from the three Baltic countries will be selected to join the platform in 2025. 

The FUTURES platform pools together the experience of leading photography institutions across Europe in order to increase the capacity, mobility and visibility of its selected artists.

Application deadline: January 5! 

ISSP Photowalk No. 3 :: Riga Cemeteries with Rvīns Varde

Join us for the third Photowalk around Riga neighborhoods, our new series of English-language events! Together with the best Latvian photographers, we invite you to explore and learn more about Riga's neighborhoods through the lens.

ISSP ielūdz uz Plānotāja 2025 prezentācijas vakaru ”Metamorfozes”

Turpinot tradīciju, arī šogad ISSP ir izdevis ikgadējo plānotāju, kurā iekļautas 40 Latvijas un ārzemju mākslinieku autorfotogrāfijas. Šī gada tēma ir “Metamorfoze” - spēcīgs transformācijas un attīstības simbols.

Ceturtdien, 12. decembrī plkst. 19.00 ISSP telpās, par godu ISSP plānotāja 2025 izdošanai norisināsies prezentācijas vakars, kurā Ziemassvētku noskaņā un radošā atmosfērā satiksies plānotāja autori, ISSP domubiedri un citi interesenti.

Decmebrī norisināsies Mazā mākslas mese

Ielūdzam uz Mazās mākslas meses atklāšanu topošās “Radošās rūpnīcas Veldze” teritorijā Matīsa ielā 8, piektdien, 6. decembrī no pulksten 16:00 līdz 20:00!

Mazās mākslas meses ietvaros (laikā no 6. - 8. decembrim) četras galerijas – galerija “ASNI”, 427 galerija, ISSP galerija un arterritory.com galerija-klejotāja energART – piedāvās apskatīt un iegādāties mākslas darbus.

Artist Talk: Laine Kristberga / Anna Maskava

Aicinām uz asociētās profesores Laines Kristbergas lekciju “Feminisma estētika Annas Maskavas mākslas darbos: formālie un konceptuālie risinājumi” saistībā ar ISSP Galerijā skatāmo izstādi “Ancestral Body / Senču ķermenis"!

PRE-SALE: ISSP Weekly Planner

We are happy to announce that the ISSP Weekly Planner 2025 PRE-SALE has started! Order the Weekly Planner for a special pre-sale price of 18 EUR until November 21! 

The ISSP Weekly Planner 2025 combines the functions of a planner, a bullet journal, and a notebook. It is perfect for handwritten notes and includes 40 original photographs by 28 Latvian and international authors.

Radošās darbnīcas sadarbībā ar Latvijas skolas somu!

No šī rudens piedāvājam divas jaunas radošās darbnīcas Latvijas skolas somas projekta ietvaros! Radošā darbnīca “Fotogrāfija un performance” norisinās kā dinamiska spēle un tā ļauj ielūkoties fotogrāfijas lomas mijiedarbībā ar citām, savukārt darbnīca “Kad foto izkāpj no plaknes” paredz ceļojumu instalācijā, arhitektūrā un objektu mākslā. Darbnīcas tiek rīkotas pēc pieprasījuma ISSP telpā Berga Bazārā vai izbraukumā skolā.

ISSP Photowalk No. 2 :: Avoti district with Arnis Balčus

Join us for the second Photowalk around Riga neighborhoods, our new series of English-language events! Together with the best Latvian photographers, we invite you to explore and learn more about Riga's neighborhoods through the lens.

Artist Talk: Joan Calsina

Meet the ISSP artist in residency, who is with us until mid-November, Joan Calsina! He will talk about his previous projects and show the work in progress made in Riga.