The winner of the Riga Photography Biennial – NEXT and ISSP Gallery’s Award 2021
The Riga Photography Biennial’s – NEXT and ISSP Gallery’s Award “Seeking the Latest in Photography!” has been presented to Visvaldas Morkevičius for his series “Looking forward to meet Me”. The special prize – an opportunity to publish a photography book with NoRoutine Books publishing house was awarded to Kristīne Krauze Slucka and her series “Vibrations of a material universe. Thirst of gold”. The winning series by Morkevičius will be exhibited at a solo exhibition at the ISSP Gallery in April 2021.
Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles – NEXT 2021 un ISSP Galerijas konkursa “Meklējam jauno fotogrāfijā!” balvu ieguvis Visvalds Morkevičs ar sēriju “Gaidu tikšanos ar sevi”. Speciālbalvu – iespēju izdot savu grāmatu – izdevniecība “NoRoutine Books” piešķīra Kristīnei Krauzei Sluckai par projektu “Materiālā visuma vibrācijas. Zelta slāpes”. Visvalda Morkeviča darbi būs redzami personālizstādē ISSP Galerijā 2021. gada aprīlī.