From October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 contemporary art fair with the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede!
ArtVilnius’24 presents exceptional works of art and promotes creativity, cultural dialogue, and international cooperation. The programme of the fair is complemented by an education programme of discussions, lectures, presentations of art publications, and excursions with art critics.
The still lifes created in the studio of Zane Priede are based on the aesthetics of the 90s. The photographs depict objects and materials typical of that time, which in contact with people's emotional experiences form a landscape of material memories. In her compositions, memories of the past are transposed into present-day scenographies, narrating through artistic practice the interaction between time and things. Whereas the materiality of objects helps shape our shared world and the experiences through which we build relationships with our environment and each other.
Zane Priede (1990) is a professional photographer whose work features imaginary and surreal scenes created with everyday objects. Graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven. Zane Priede's deep passion for architecture and design is evident in her visual approach, which involves constructing scenes with small-scale objects.
Join us for the three-day art fair at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo, and you will have a chance to view and purchase the artist's bright still lifes!
Traditionally, the ISSP will offer a series of fascinating evening presentations and talks by the masters and participants at the ISSP campus in Pelči, Kuldīga district from Sunday August 3 until Saturday August 9. The evening programme is free of charge - all photography lovers are welcome!
No 4. - 27. jūlijam Tabakas fabrikā notiks izstāde Rīgas paš/portreti - mūsdienu rīdzinieku portrets caur viņu pašu un mākslinieku acīm. Laipni lūgti! :::: The Riga Self/Portraits exhibiton will be on display at Tabakas Fabrika, Rīga, from July 4 - 27, presenting a contemporary portrait of Riga through the eyes of its residents and artists. Welcome!
ISSP Skolas otrais izlaidums ir klāt! Izstāde MISFITS ar desmit jauno autoru līdzdalību Kaņepes centrā no 28.maija līdz 8.jūnijām. Esat aicināti uz izstādes atklāšanu trešdien 19:00 Kaņepes Kultūras centrā!
Ceturtdien, 22. maijā plkst. 18:30 kino Splendid Palace ar savu darbu prezentāciju uzstāsies leģendārais Argentīnas fotogrāfs Markoss Lopezs, kurš Rīgā viesojas projekta "Rīgas paš/portreti" un Rīga 2014 programmas ietvaros! Laipni lūgti!
Attention! The online ISSP 2013 Prints Auction is open from 5 December until Tuesday 10 December 21:00 GMT (23:00 Latvian time) - acquire beautiful prints from more than 55 photographers and support ISSP activities in 2014!
We cordially invite everyone to the opening of the ISSP 2013 Final works exhibition on 10th August in Kuldīga Arts hall! / Laipni lūgti ISSP 2013 noslēgumu darbu izstādes atklāšanā 10.augustā Kuldīgas Mākslas namā!
Ik vakaru no svētdienas 4.augustam līdz piektdienai 9.augustam ISSP mītnē Pelčos, Kuldīgas novadā notiks unikālas ISSP meistaru lekcijas un prezentācijas ISSP vakaru programmas ietvaros. Tradicionāli, ISSP vakaru programma ir atvērta visiem fotogrāfijas interesentiem bez maksas - laipni lūgti!
Traditionally, the ISSP evening programme will be open to all photography lovers - free of charge! Every evening starting from Sunday, 4 August, till Friday, 9 August, we will offer a series of fascinating presentations and artist talks by ISSP masters, participants and invited guests at the ISSP campus in Pelči /Kuldīga. On Saturday, the 10th, everyone is invited to the opening of the exhibition of ISSP final works at the Kuldiga Arts Hall and the screening of participants' works at Kuldīga open air cinema.
Trešdien, 5. jūnijā, plkst 18:00, aicinām visus ISSP draugus, radus un interesentus uz Skolas Atverto Durvju dienu - 2. kursa izlaidumu un gala darbu prezentāciju, kā arī Pagalma Svētkiem!
Just before his talk at Splendid Palace in Riga, Paul Hansen, the winner of the World Press Photo of the Year 2012, speaks about the mission of the press photographer and what comes first.