From October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 contemporary art fair with the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede!
ArtVilnius’24 presents exceptional works of art and promotes creativity, cultural dialogue, and international cooperation. The programme of the fair is complemented by an education programme of discussions, lectures, presentations of art publications, and excursions with art critics.
The still lifes created in the studio of Zane Priede are based on the aesthetics of the 90s. The photographs depict objects and materials typical of that time, which in contact with people's emotional experiences form a landscape of material memories. In her compositions, memories of the past are transposed into present-day scenographies, narrating through artistic practice the interaction between time and things. Whereas the materiality of objects helps shape our shared world and the experiences through which we build relationships with our environment and each other.
Zane Priede (1990) is a professional photographer whose work features imaginary and surreal scenes created with everyday objects. Graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven. Zane Priede's deep passion for architecture and design is evident in her visual approach, which involves constructing scenes with small-scale objects.
Join us for the three-day art fair at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo, and you will have a chance to view and purchase the artist's bright still lifes!
We cordially invite you to the ISSP 2018 exhibition in Kuldīga featuring photographs, books, multimedia works and installations created by the summer school participants - almost 60 photographers and 12 emerging curators from over 30 countries. Opening - Saturday, 4 August, 19.30!
Esiet mīļi gaidīti ISSP 2018 gala darbu izstādē "Savvaļa". Izstādē redzamas fotogrāfijas, grāmatas, multimediju darbi un instalācijas, ko radijuši šī gada Starptautiskās Fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas dalībnieki - gandrīz 60 fotogrāfi sadarbībā ar 12 jauniem kuratoriem no 30 valstīm. Atklāšana - sestdien, 4. augustā plkst. 19.30!
No 7. augusta līdz 19. septembrim ISSP Galerijā būs skatāma amerikāņu mākslinieka Džeisona Fulforda izstāde "Kleitona lidojums". Nosaukums aizgūts no deviņu stundu lidojuma ar gaisa balonu 1835. gadā. Darba pamatā ir attēli, kas uzņemti laikā no 1997. līdz 2003. gadam, kad Fulfords ar motociklu apceļoja ASV.
From August 7 to September 20 the ISSP Gallery will host American photographer Jason Fulford's exhibition "Clayton's Ascent" .The title is derived from a nine-hour balloon flight in 1835. Shot between 1997 and 2003 while traveling the US by motorcycle, Fulford’s saturated colors are infused with a veiled foreboding, drawing a blurred line between the real and artificial.
We are back to Kuldīga this year with the International Summer School of Photography! From 29 July - 3 August a series of talks and presentations by the ISSP masters, guests and participants is open for visitors at the campus in Pelči. The final exhibition and outdoor screening in Kuldīga will take place on 4th August. All photography and visual art lovers are welcome!
11. jūlijā plkst 18.30 aicinām uz Toma Ķenča priekšlasījumu par velna tēlu Latvijas mākslas vēsturē, un sarunu ar mākslinieci Viku Ekstu, kuras izstāde "Velnezers" šobrīd skatāma ISSP Galerijā.
Curators of photography and visual art, photographers, artists, and art historians are warmly invited to take part in a meeting with curator Natasha Christia at 4PM on Friday, June 15 at the ISSP Gallery.
Trešdien, 6. jūnijā, plkst. 18:00 ISSP Galerijas telpās notiks ISSP Rīgas Rezidences mākslinieku Teo Eliasa (Theo Elias, Zviedrija) un Hiro Tanakas (Hiro Tanaka, Japāna) autorvakars.
ISSP is happy to host an artist talk by ISSP Riga Residency artists Theo Elias (Sweden) and Hiro Tanaka (Japan) on Wednesday 6th of June 6PM at the ISSP Gallery.
30. maijā plkst. 19.00 aicinām uz ISSP Skolas 2018. g. absolventu izstādes "Tapt pārtapt" atklāšanu! Izstāde ir šā gada Rīgas Fotomēneša notikums un līdz 22. jūnijam būs apskatāma jaunajā radošajā kvartālā Tallinas ielā 6.
SELF PUBLISH RIGA publiskās lekcijas un prezentācijas notiks 12. maijā no 12.00-18.00 ISSP Galerijā. Dalībnieki: Liza Šteina, Anne Golaza, Antuāns Žakū, Dīters Noiberts, Valentina Abenavoli, Alekss Bočeto, Huanans Rekena.
SELF PUBLISH RIGA talks & presentations will take place May 12 12.00-18.00, ISSP Gallery. Participants: Lisa Stein (UK), Anne Golaz (FI/CH) & Antoine Jaccoud (CH), Dieter Neubert (DE), Alex Bocchetto and Valentina Abenavoli, Akina Books (IT), Juanan Requena (ES).
25. aprīlī, plkst 18.30 ISSP Galerija un "Together and Apart" kuratoru komanda aicina uz sarunu vakaru. Latvijas paviljona Venēcijas arhitektūras biennālē kuratoru stāstījums “Daudzdzīvokļu nami Latvijas ainavā” sniegs ieskatu izstādes gatavošanas procesā un pievērsīsies fotogrāfijas nozīmei tajā. Latvijas paviljonam Venēcijā fotogrāfiju sērijas ar daudzdzīvokļu namiem veidojuši Ieva Raudsepa un Reinis Hofmanis.
Nākošnedēļ Kuldīgā norisināsies ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases sessija - aicinām uz lielisko programmas pasniedzēju un dalībnieku atvērtām lekcijām un darbu pezentācijām Kuldīgā no 12. - 15. martam!
As part of the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 first session in Kuldīga, talks and presentations by programme tutors and participants are open to all lovers of photography and image-based art from 12 to 15 March!
16. februārī ar Rafala Milaha izstādi durvis vērs jauna, biedrības ISSP veidota fotogrāfijas medijam veltīta telpa Berga Bazarā - mājvieta Latvijā vienīgajai laikmetīgās fotogrāfijas izstāžu zālei.
On February 16, ISSP is opening a new space dedicated to contemporary photography in the Bergs Bazaar, Riga, launching with Rafal Milach's exhibition "The First March of Gentlemen".