ISSP 2015 - Evening Programme

photo: Alessandra Sanguinetti, from the series “The Adventures of Guille and Belinda”

:: ISSP 2015 Evening Programme ::

2-7 August 2015, every day from 20:00
At Pelči Boarding School, Pelči village, Kuldīga district
-Free entrance-

As part of our very special 10th anniversary edition, ISSP offers a series of fascinating photography presentations and talks by ISSP masters and participants at our campus in Pelči, Kuldīga district. The ISSP evening programme is open to all photography and visual art lovers free of charge - you are welcome! 

:: Sunday, August 2 ::

20:00 - 20:40 "Into the Wild" - presentation of the workshop for Pelči youngsters; presentations by Vincen Beeckman (BE) and Vika Eksta (LV)

20:40 - 21:00 presentation by Kuldīga Artist in Residence Adam Golfer (US)

21:10 - 23:00 Participants' Portfolio Night I - presentations by ISSP 2015 participants: Dario Bosio (IT), Federico Estol (UY), Paulina Stadnik (RU), Camilla Pongiglione (IT), Madeno 万里 (JP), Marta Berens (PL), Bojan Mrđenović (HR), Ramona Güntert (DE), Mikhail Novitskiy (RU), Kristina Podobed (UA), Marcin Plonka (PL).


:: Monday, August 3 ::

20:00 - 21:15 Part I: Artist talk, Jim Goldberg (US)

Jim Goldberg (Magnum Photos) has been exhibiting for over 30 years and his innovative and experimental use of image and text make him a landmark photographer of our times, often exploring socially relevant themes.

21:30 - 22:45 Part II: Artist talk, Alessandra Sanguinetti (US), "Far away and long ago"

Known for her evocative and emotional portraits, acclaimed documentary photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti has lived and worked extensively in the US and Argentina. She will talk about her start in photography, giving an overview or her work and process.


:: Tuesday, August 4 ::

20:00 - 21:15 Part I: Artist talk, Anna Fox (UK), “Telling Tales”

British documentary photographer and professor Anna Fox is known for her colorful, saturated and ironic take on British public life and everyday culture. In recent years, her focus also includes staged photography, using the stories told by real people. 

21:30 - 22:30 Part II: Artist talk, Andrew Bruce (UK), “Cold Air Rising”

Andrew Bruce is an artist working primarily with photography. His work deals with the position of animals in relation to culture and to the natural world. Using allegorical strategies, Bruce questions our modern relationship to nature.


:: Wednesday, August 5 ::

20:00 - 21:15 Part I: Artist talk, Takashi Homma (JP), “Contemporary Japanese Photography”

Takashi Homma is one of the most well-known photographers in his native Japan, and also lived and worked in London. He regularly teaches and writes about photography, and has influenced a the new generation of photographers. Homma will talk about his own work as well as the development of Japanese photography.

21:30 - 23:00 Part II: Artist talk, Alexander Gronsky (RU/LV)

Alexander Gronsky is one of the most well-known of the new generation of Russian photographers. Starting his career as a press photographer, he eventually turned to personal, documentary projects and is now taking an increasingly conceptual approach to landscape.


:: Thursday, August 6 ::

20:00 - 22:00 Alex Bocchetto (Akina Books, IT/UK) and Nico Baumgarten (DE), "Books we love / books we hate – a rational-emotional discussion about the form and content of photobooks"

Akina Books is an independent publishing house of hand-made photobooks, established in 2012, and gaining recognition in the art world with recent editions. Photographer and bookmaker Nico Baumgarten has self-published 4 photobooks and run workshops internationally. Both will briefly outline their work and define what it is that interests them about and inside photobooks. After a short introduction about what makes a book a photobook, they will engage in a controversial discussion about their favorite books or books they really don't like.


:: Friday, August 7 ::

20:00 - 20:40 presentations by Kuldīga Artists in Residence Cemil Batur Gökçeer (TR), Maija Saavolainen (FI)

20:50 - 23:00 Participants' Portfolio Night II - presentations by ISSP 2015 participants: Ekaterina Anokhina (RU), Maria Baoli (ES), Ingrid Gustafsson (FI), Dimitri D'ippolito (IT), Constanze Flamme (DE), Malgorzata Bielecka (PL), Maria Kapajeva (EE), Katrine Skovsgaard (DK), Beata Stencel (PL), Olivier Brossard (FR), Hayley Austin (UK), Joachim Bøgedal Jensen (DK), Anastasia Shpilko (RU), Iwauko Murakami (JP).


:: Saturday, August 8 ::

19:00 - Opening of the ISSP 2015 Exhibition at Kuldīga Arts Hall 

22:00 - Screening of the ISSP final works at Kuldīga Open-Air Cinema 

The aftermath - Riga programme 

:: Tuesday, August 11 ::

18:00 - 20:30 ISSP 2015 Artist talks in Riga: Jim Goldberg, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Nordic Club House (Kalēju iela 3)

All the talks will be held in English. 

Pelči Boarding School on google maps:


NB! ISSP does not provide catering or accommodation for guests. You can stay overnight in Kuldīga, or those who need a place to stay overnight in Pelči can bring tents. It might be possible to find dormitory beds at the campus, you should bring a sleeping bag. 

Guests are asked to take care not to disturb the work of the ISSP workshops.

Art Fair ArtVilnius’24

From October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 contemporary art fair with the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede!

ArtVilnius’24 presents exceptional works of art and promotes creativity, cultural dialogue, and international cooperation. The programme of the fair is complemented by an education programme of discussions, lectures, presentations of art publications, and excursions with art critics.

Art Fair Foto Tallinn 2024

We are excited to announce that you can meet us at the Foto Tallinn 2024 art fair this week! 

Foto Tallinn is a biannual international photographic art fair that presents the latest contemporary photography selected by a professional jury and creates an opportunity for the art audience to see, buy, and collect fresh photographic art. For professionals in the field, Foto Tallinn offers a platform for collaboration and discussion, meetings with the art audience, and the presentation of their work to art enthusiasts. 

ISSP Jauniešu skola atsāk nodarbības un izsludina atvērto durvju dienu

Aicinām pieteikties un apgūt fotogrāfiju ISSP Jauniešu skolā! Septembrī atsāksies ISSP Jauniešu skolas nodarbības, kurās pusaudžiem vecumā no 11 līdz 18 gadiem būs iespēja apgūt atttēla veidošanas prasmes, iemācīties vizuālo lasītprasmi un radoši izpausties fotogāfijas medijā!

Artist Talk: Lê Quyên Nguyễn, Agnese Gutovska, Mike Saijo

Come to meet our current Artists in Residence - German-raised Vietnamese photographer Lê Quyên Nguyễn, Latvian-born UK photographer Agnese Gutovska, and an artist from Los Angelos Mike Saijo! They will be talking about their work, and we will open a pop-up exhibition delving into the realities of the Vietnamese diaspora in Riga by Lê Quyên Nguyễn!

Zane Priede: Marmoleum Real 2mm

No 23. augusta līdz 24. oktobrim ISSP Galerijā būs skatāma Zanes Priedes izstāde “Marmoleum Real 2mm”, kas balstīta autores personīgajā pieredzē, uzaugot 1990. gadu vidē un estētikā.  Fotogrāfijās attēloti tam laikam raksturīgi priekšmeti un materialitāte, kas bieži vien simbolizē ilgas pēc labākas dzīves un atbrīvošanos no pelēcības, kas piemita padomijas gadiem. Ielūdzam uz izstādes atklāšanu 22. augustā plkst. 18.00!


Heat: Meet Theo Elias & Friends

We invite you to meet our current artist in residence, photographer Theo Elias on 25 July, 19.00 at Bolderāja! Theo will speak about his work, including the project he has been developing in Latvia since 2018 when he was the first artist to take part in the ISSP Riga residency.

Artist Talk: Amber Cronin, Tom Borgas

We are pleased to invite you to a meeting with two visual artists and educators from Adelaide, South Australia - Amber Cronin and Tom Borgas on 15th July at 7 p.m.! You will have an opportunity to hear about their work as well as share a little about your artistic practice. The event will be held in English. Free entrance!

Kino vakars: Motociklu vasara (1975)

Ielūdzam uz kino vakaru 23. jūlijā plkst. 19.00 ISSP telpās kontekstā ar ISSP Galerijā skatāmo izstādi “Mūsdienu fotogrāfijas vēstures II” (autori: Annemarija Gulbe un Konstantīns Žukovs)! Izstādē māksliniece Annemarija Gulbe pētījusi fotogrāfa, operatora un režisora Ulda Brauna mantojumu – fotogrāfijā, kā arī viņa vienīgajā spēlfilmā “Motociklu vasara” (1975), veidojot savu refleksiju par to un aicinot atskatīties atpakaļskata spogulī.

Vides objekts “Melnais kubs - Camera Obscura” Valmierā

Valmieras vasaras teātra festivāla nedēļā laikā no 31. jūlija līdz 4. augustam Valmieras pilsētas iedzīvotājiem un viesiem būs iespēja aplūkot ISSP veidoto vides objektu “Melnais kubs - Camera Obscura”. Tiks organizētas arī pavadošās radošās meistarklases, piedāvājot apmeklētājiem mūsdienīgu un unikālu kultūrizglītojošo pieredzi.


Annemarija Gulbe (ar Ulda Brauna arhīvu), Konstantīns Žukovs: "Mūsdienu fotogrāfijas vēstures II"

ISSP Galerijā 4. jūlijā plkst. 18.00 Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles 2024 ietvaros tiks atklāta otrā daļa divu izstāžu ciklam “Mūsdienu fotogrāfijas vēstures”, kurā atspoguļotas vairāku mākslinieku versijas un interpretācijas par vietējās fotogrāfijas vēstures rakstīšanas procesiem. Izstādē piedalās mākslinieki Annemarija Gulbe un Konstantīns Žukovs, un tā būs skatāma no 5. jūlija līdz 15. augustam. 


Artist Talk: Kat Bawden, Martyna Benedyka, Francesco Villa

We invite you to meet current ISSP artists in residence - Kat Bawden, Martyna Benedyka and Francesco Villa on Wednesday, 26th June at 19.00!  They will talk about their art practices and ways of exploring different paths in photography and visual art, as well as show some of their work done in Riga during the last month. Welcome!

ISSP ielūdz uz fotogrāfu sarunu vakaru par deviņdesmitajiem

17. jūnijā plkst. 18.00 ISSP telpās, Berga Bazārā norisināsies fotogrāfu sarunu vakars par deviņdesmitajos gados pieredzēto ar Māru Brašmani, Gvido Kajonu, Mārtiņu Krūmiņu un Andri Zēgneru. Saruna notiek kontekstā ar ISSP Galerijā skatāmo izstādi "Mūsdienu fotogrāfijas vēstures I", kas ir daļa no Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles 2024 programmas.