Paradise conversations: Collage workshop with Michael Holland and Andrejs Strokins
Aicinām piedalīties kolāžas tehnikas darbnīcā "Paradīzes sarunas" ar māksliniekiem Maiklu Holandu un Andreju Strokinu ISSP telpā 1. - 2. decembrī. Pieteikties aicināti fotogrāfi, mākslinieki, kā arī ikviens ar interesi par kolāžas tehniku un vēlmi atraisīt radošumu. Pieteikšanas līdz 20. novembrim!
ISSP invites you to take part in the Paradise Conversations collage workshop with artists Michael Holland and Andrejs Strokins in Riga on December 1 - 2. The workshop is open to artists, photographers and anyone who is interested in the subject and in unlocking their creativity by trying out collage techniques. Apply by November 20!