Applications to ISSP 2009 now open!
Hey hey! We are glad to announce that the application process for the 4th International Summer School of Photography (ISSP) is now open.ISSP 2009 will take place in Ludza, Latvia from 1 to 9 August 2009.
Atsaucoties uz interesentu lūgumiem, pieteikšanās ISSP Skolas programmai 2015/2016 ir pagarināta - pieteikumus mācībām pieņemsim līdz 6.jūlijam (ieskaitot). Intervijas ar pretendentiem notiks nedēļā no 7. - 11. jūlijam. Informācija par programmu un pieteikšanos kārtību - Skolas mājaslapā.
Hey hey! We are glad to announce that the application process for the 4th International Summer School of Photography (ISSP) is now open.ISSP 2009 will take place in Ludza, Latvia from 1 to 9 August 2009.
And here it comes (finally!!) Some visual impressions on the International Summer School of Photography 2008 by Arno Geens (a special ISSP correspondent and Jos World representative):
And our classics - documentation of ISSP Final Exibition installation and opening in Ludza on August 9, 2008 - by Ģirts Raģelis (ISSP 2006 and 2008 participant):
Sunny hallo to everyone!!
Now for sure, the ISSP 2009 shall take place on 1-9 August 2009 at the same location in Ludza.
Information on this year’s workshops and teachers, and the application forms shall appear on the updated web-site very soon - on 1st week of April. The deadline for participants applications will be 1st week of May.
Stay tuned! And happy spring coming
Yo! The ISSP 2008 Catalogue has been released at the opening of the ISSP 2008 Gala Exhibition at Goethe Institute Riga on 6 October 2008.
The Exhibition will remain open to public at Goethe Institute Riga, Torna iela 1, from 6.10. till 1.11.2008, Mondays – Fridays 9:00-20:00, Saturdays 9:00-15:30
Click here for an abstract of the Exhibition in Latvian. The Catalogue is available for purchase at Gallery Istaba, Kr.Barona 31a.
Uff, its over now… Alas, all the great things come to an end… but only to give way to new beginnings. With all due self-criticism (particularly towards the technicalities of the digital lab), we have to admit that the event was next to perfect! A quick glance at the participants evaluation forms - over 4/5 of the students rated their ISSP experience as ‘excellent’… More feedback in quotes:
The ISSP 2007 Catalogue is a collection of 15 photo-series created by the ISSP students for the final exhibition in August 2007. An independent jury: art historian and curator Inese Baranovska, photographer Alnis Stakle and painter Andris Eglitis was engaged in the production of the catalogue by selecting three brightest photo-series from each of the 5 thematic workshops. The publication is a documentary of the creative results of the ISSP. It also provides a summary insight into artistic explorations of new authors, at the same time reflecting the current tendencies in young contemporary photography.
from 12.11. to 1.12.2007.
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 20:00,
Saturday: 9:00 - 15:30
at Goethe institute in Riga, Torna iela 1
opening on Monday, 12 November 2007, 18:00
Jauna ISSP aktivitāte – izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata
Rīgā, Andrejsalā, biedrības Orbīta telpās “Elektrocehs”, 12.jūlijā 18:00 tiks atklāta izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata. Tajā tiks eksponēti jauno fotogrāfu, Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas 2006 absolventu īpaši izstādei radītas foto - dienasgrāmatas.