Nico Baumgarten book launch and artist talk


– grāmatas atklāšana, atvērtā lekcija un pop-up izstāde 6. maijā ISSP Skolā
– book launch, artist talk and pop-up exhibition at the ISSP School in Riga, May 6


18.00 Ierašanās un pop-up izstāde // Arrivals and exhibition
18.30 Nico Baumgarten atvērtā lekcija // Artist talk
19.30 Grāmatas atklāšanas svinības  // Book launch party

Pasākumu organizē ISSP Rīgas Fotomēneša 2015 ietvaros.

The event is hosted by the ISSP within the framework of Riga Photomonth 2015.

FB event:



Niko Baumgartens ir fotogrāfs un fotogrāmatu veidošanas eksperts no Vācijas, aktīvs pašizdošanas kustības dalībnieks. Rīgā tiks atklāta viņa jaunākā fotogrāmata How the Other Half Lives (Dzīve otrā pusē) – komentārs par mūsdienu sabiedrības vērtībām, kura galvenie varoņi ir Rīgas pagalmu klaiņojošie kaķi. Grāmatas nosaukums aizgūts no ietekmīgā 19. gadsimta beigu fotogrāfa Džeikoba A. Rīsa (Jacob A. Riis) tāda paša nosaukuma darba, kurā izcelti Ņujorkas graustu iedzīvotāju dzīves apstākļi un valdošā nevienlīdzībā. Arī Baumgartena Rīgas kaķu fotogrāfijas ir kā alegorija par cilvēku dažādājiem dzīves apstākļiem un nonkonformismu kā dzīvesveidu. Grāmatu Baumgartens izdevis pašrocīgi, izmantojot mūsdienās aktuālo pūļa finansējuma (crowdfunding) modeli, kas ļauj saglabāt neatkarību izdošanas procesā.

Grāmatas atklāšanas laikā Baumgartens sniegs prezentāciju par fotogrāmatu veidošanas procesu un filozofiju, atsaucoties uz šo un trīs iepriekš pašizdotajām grāmatām. ISSP Skolas pagalmā notiks arī pop-up izstāde, kas sniegs ieskatu grāmatas “Dzive otrā pusē” darbos un veidošanas procesā.

Vienlaicīgi tā būs iespēja jebkuram interesentam iepazīties ar fotogrāfijas izglītības programmas ISSP Skola telpām un darbību.



Nico Baumgarten is a German freelance photographer and bookmaker trying to find a way out of the limitations of the editorial and art market by creating books. His new book How the Other Half Lives is a parable on modern-day society starring the stray cats of Riga. The title How the Other Half Lives is borrowed from Jacob A. Riis’ seminal photo book, published in 1890, which created awareness of the living-conditions of the poor parts of New York’s society amongst the better-off classes. Nico’s book also deals with social status and non-conformity, through the living conditions and worldviews of Riga’s courtyard cats. The book was published with the help of a crowdfunding campaign.

Join us for a pop-up exhibition in the ISSP School courtyard, as well as an artist talk, in which Nico will present his new book and provide an insight into the process and philosophy of self-publishing.

Pateicamies par atbalstu Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fondam.
We are thanful for the support of the State Cultural Capital Foundation.

Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou in Riga

Yes, its true - Vanessa Winship is coming to visit us again, together with her partner, another great photographer George Georgiou!

The schedule of public events that we are planning in cooperation with kim? :
23 March 2010, 19:00 - Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou: artist talk & works presentation - open event for all interested
27-28 March 2010 (2 full days) - “Documentary practice and narrative, the long term project”: double master-class, workshop - previous application required

ISSP 2009 Exhibition Opening in Riga

We are happy to announce that the ISSP 2009 results are about to be presented in Riga - the ISSP 2009 Exhibition opens on 3 December 2009, 18:30 at Goethe-Institute Riga! All the participants, family and friends of the International Summer School of Photography are invited!

ISSP 2009 exhibition in Riga

The date and time of the ISSP 2009 Vernissage in Riga is 3 December 2009, 18:30, at Goethe Institute !

The exhibition will feature a selection of most vivid works (5 per workshop), to be selected by ISSP teachers. We also very much hope to present the ISSP 2010 Catalogue!
Everyone is cordially invited!

In connection with the Opening we also present first ISSP workshop in Riga: Photoworks presentation: sequence, context & strategies or How To Get Your Work Out in Public by Kai Olaf Hesse from BerlinPhotoWorkshops. Two days, December 4-5, applications till November 20. More information coming soon!

ISSP Club evenings to start from September

We have launched a new activity - a series of ISSP club meetings in Riga! The club evenings will take place with an approximate regularity of every second week. In the programme: ISSP participants’ presentation of completed or ongoing projects, invited artists’ talks, and a special selection of photography-related movies. The main motivation is to keep up the contacts and networking among the ISSP participants.
All ISSP friends are welcome! Information on upcoming events - in your mailboxes, or at ISSP Facebook group.

Ps. Thanks to Jānis & Red Roofs Hotel for location support!

ISSP evening programme

ISSP 2009 is officially launched by now! :) The evening programme Sunday - Wednesday, as well as the Gala Event and the Opening of the Exhibition on Saturday 8 August is open for guests and visitors!

Izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Jauna ISSP aktivitāte – izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Rīgā, Andrejsalā, biedrības Orbīta telpās “Elektrocehs”, 12.jūlijā 18:00 tiks atklāta izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata. Tajā tiks eksponēti jauno fotogrāfu, Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas 2006 absolventu īpaši izstādei radītas foto - dienasgrāmatas.