Nico Baumgarten book launch and artist talk


– grāmatas atklāšana, atvērtā lekcija un pop-up izstāde 6. maijā ISSP Skolā
– book launch, artist talk and pop-up exhibition at the ISSP School in Riga, May 6


18.00 Ierašanās un pop-up izstāde // Arrivals and exhibition
18.30 Nico Baumgarten atvērtā lekcija // Artist talk
19.30 Grāmatas atklāšanas svinības  // Book launch party

Pasākumu organizē ISSP Rīgas Fotomēneša 2015 ietvaros.

The event is hosted by the ISSP within the framework of Riga Photomonth 2015.

FB event:



Niko Baumgartens ir fotogrāfs un fotogrāmatu veidošanas eksperts no Vācijas, aktīvs pašizdošanas kustības dalībnieks. Rīgā tiks atklāta viņa jaunākā fotogrāmata How the Other Half Lives (Dzīve otrā pusē) – komentārs par mūsdienu sabiedrības vērtībām, kura galvenie varoņi ir Rīgas pagalmu klaiņojošie kaķi. Grāmatas nosaukums aizgūts no ietekmīgā 19. gadsimta beigu fotogrāfa Džeikoba A. Rīsa (Jacob A. Riis) tāda paša nosaukuma darba, kurā izcelti Ņujorkas graustu iedzīvotāju dzīves apstākļi un valdošā nevienlīdzībā. Arī Baumgartena Rīgas kaķu fotogrāfijas ir kā alegorija par cilvēku dažādājiem dzīves apstākļiem un nonkonformismu kā dzīvesveidu. Grāmatu Baumgartens izdevis pašrocīgi, izmantojot mūsdienās aktuālo pūļa finansējuma (crowdfunding) modeli, kas ļauj saglabāt neatkarību izdošanas procesā.

Grāmatas atklāšanas laikā Baumgartens sniegs prezentāciju par fotogrāmatu veidošanas procesu un filozofiju, atsaucoties uz šo un trīs iepriekš pašizdotajām grāmatām. ISSP Skolas pagalmā notiks arī pop-up izstāde, kas sniegs ieskatu grāmatas “Dzive otrā pusē” darbos un veidošanas procesā.

Vienlaicīgi tā būs iespēja jebkuram interesentam iepazīties ar fotogrāfijas izglītības programmas ISSP Skola telpām un darbību.



Nico Baumgarten is a German freelance photographer and bookmaker trying to find a way out of the limitations of the editorial and art market by creating books. His new book How the Other Half Lives is a parable on modern-day society starring the stray cats of Riga. The title How the Other Half Lives is borrowed from Jacob A. Riis’ seminal photo book, published in 1890, which created awareness of the living-conditions of the poor parts of New York’s society amongst the better-off classes. Nico’s book also deals with social status and non-conformity, through the living conditions and worldviews of Riga’s courtyard cats. The book was published with the help of a crowdfunding campaign.

Join us for a pop-up exhibition in the ISSP School courtyard, as well as an artist talk, in which Nico will present his new book and provide an insight into the process and philosophy of self-publishing.

Pateicamies par atbalstu Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fondam.
We are thanful for the support of the State Cultural Capital Foundation.

ISSP Skolai saņemti 52 pieteikumi

Esam saņēmusi 52 pieteikumus pirmajam ISSP Skolas mācību gadam! Paldies visiem, kas pieteicās, par uzticēšanos un interesi par jauno programmu. Dalību piedāvāsim tiem 15, kuriem pēc mūsu domām, šī programma ir visvairāk vajadzīga. Atlases rezultātus paziņosim līdz augusta sākumam.

ISSP izveido Skolu un izsludina pieteikšanos mācību gadam 2011/12!

Mūsu vairāku mēnešu garumā lolots projekts ir klāt - ISSP Skola! Mācību kurss fotogrāfiem, kuri vēlās iedziļināties medija saturiskajos aspektos deviņu mēnešu garumā, paralēli strādājot pie personīgā projekta un mācoties no Latvijas labākiem fotogrāfiem. Nodarbības notiks no 2011.gada septembra līdz maijam, darbadienu vakaros. Grupas dalībnieku skaits - 15 cilvēki. Pieteikumus pieņemam līdz 10.jūlijam! 

Public lecture "The Photography of National Geographic Magazine"

An opportunity to learn about the photography of the National Geographic Magazine directly from its chief staff experts - Senior photo-editor Sarah Leen and Creative director Bill Marr. The lecture - presentation is open for all interested. 30 May 2011, at 19:00 at kim?

Aktuāli: ISSP BW lab

ISSP invites all interested in Black and White analogue process and looking for lab facilities to become 2011 members of our BW Lab in Andrejsala (Riga). Lab members can use fully equipped ISSP BW lab for a year - pretty much without any time limits. Full info in Latvian below. For more info, please call Arnis :)

ISSP Exhibition “Reference point” in Riga

A short video-documentation of ISSP 2010 exhibition “Reference Point” currently on show at Goethe Institute in Riga is available on vimeo! For those who still have not seen it, the exhibition  will be on show till January 30.

And, btw, as of January 2011 the ISSP 2010 catalogues and the complete collection of 2006 - 2010 catalogues can be purchased at the Latvian Museum of Photography (you can also take a look at them for free at kim? reading room, Satori, META cafe, Istaba and couple of other places).

Greetings from Ludza - ISSP 2010 Exhibition

The ISSP 2010 Exhibition was festively opened on 7 August 2010. Visitors are welcome to view the entire collection of artistic projects of 65 participants in Ludza till 2 October 2010.

ISSP evening programme open to visitors

The ISSP Evening Programme at Ezersala boarding school (Ludza district) from 1st till 7th August will be traditionally open for interested visitors and guests! Detailed programme in English here.

Aaron Shuman in Riga (second try)

We all try again and are looking forward to host Aaron Shuman in Riga this weekend, provided no more volcano surprises coming up. The lecture “Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs” will take place at kim? at 19:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.

The workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia will run this weekend, 1-2 May. You are welcome to apply for several vacant places till this Friday, 30 April!


Aaron Shuman in Riga: workshop and lecture

In framework of US culture month in Riga “Made in USA“, we are pleased to invite applications to an ISSP-run workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia by a great photographer, editor, writer and curator Aaron Shuman. The workshop shall take place on 17-18 April 2010, at kim? Riga.

The two days course combines lectures, critique, and individual photographing by participants to explore in depth the subject of NOSTALGIA. See complete workshop description here, and apply till 15 April!