Text & Image masterclass with Jörg Colberg - 3rd edition (update)

The 3rd edition on the Jörg Colberg Masterclass "Text and Image" will start on 11 January 2022!
In this two month online masterclass "Text and Image, Image and Text" with writer, photobook expert and educator Jörg Colberg, the participants will work on understanding the relationship between text and image, and finding the best way to include text into their personal project. If you have a complete (or almost complete) photographic project, where you are struggling to include text, this masterclass is for you! 
Applications will be accepted until the group is complete.

More information and applications here.

ISSP 2015 Short Movie

Sweet bits of summer for you to enjoy during the cold winter - flashbacks from ISSP 2015 are here! The beautiful video was filmed and edited by Katrina Sauskina.

ISSP 2015 final works online

We are happy to present the final works produced by the ISSP 2015 participants this August in Kuldīga - photography series, books and videoworks from 73 participants and 9 youngsters from Kuldīga district! See the complete collection at the Final works galleries on this website and in vimeo!

ISSP 2015 Final Exhibition

We cordially invite all photography lovers to explore the results of the ISSP 2015 - the 10th anniversary edition - at the Final Exhibition in Kuldīga! The group show of ISSP participants' works will be on display until September 20 in Kuldīga Arts Hall. Welcome!

ISSP 2015 - Evening Programme

The ISSP 10th Anniversary Edition will offer a series of fascinating evening presentations and talks by the masters and participants at the ISSP campus in Pelči, Kuldīga district from Sunday August 2 until Saturday August 8. The evening programme is free of charge - all photography lovers are welcome!

ISSP 2015 - workshop for local youth - participants

We are pleased to announce the participants for "Into the Wild", a workshop for local youth run within the ISSP 2015 by Vincen Beeckman (BE) and Vika Eksta (LV).

Priecājamies paziņot dalībnieku sarakstu fotodarbnīcai vietējiem jauniešiem "Ceļojums uz..", ko vadīs Vincens Bēkmans (BE) un Vika Eksta (LV)!

ISSP Skolas izlaiduma izstāde 2013/2015

Laipni aicinām uz ISSP Skolas trešo izlaiduma izstādi - PAZAUDĒTS / ATRASTS galerijā NOASS! Izstādē piedalās 8 jaunie autori, un tā būs atvērta publikai no 3. - 22. jūnijām. Atklāšana 2.jūnijā plkst. 19:00!

Izsludina uzņemšanu ISSP Skolā 2015/2017

Līdz 22. jūnijām var pieteikties dalībai ISSP Skolas jaunajā kursā, kas sāksies 2015.gada septembrī! Pieteikumus gaidām no aktīviem fotogrāfijas interesentiem, kas vēlas paplašināt savu izpratni par fotogrāfijas mediju un iemācīties izteikties ar fotogrāfijas palīdzību, veidojot personiskus autorprojektus. ISSP Skola ir neformāla divu gadu izglītības programma laikmetīgajā fotogrāfijā, kur pasniedz Latvijas labākie mācībspēki.

ISSP 2015 - selected participants

The list of ISSP 2015 selected participants is online - congratulations to 73 photographers from 23 countries! Unfortunately we could not offer places to many more qualified applicants - the waiting list is pretty impressive. We are looking forward to confirmations and to meeting everyone in August!