Maija Annikki Savolainen - Solarophytes

No 28. septembra līdz 3. novembrim ISSP Galerijā būs apskatāma somu mākslinieces Maijas Anniki Savolainenas izstāde “Solarofīti” (Solarophytes). Izstādes “Solarofīti” nosaukums veidots no jēdzieniem “solar-” (saules-) un “-fīti” (norāde uz augu vai specifisku biotopu), un tā pievēršas fotogrāfiskiem procesiem, kas neietilpst cilvēkam redzamajā elektromagnētisko viļņu diapazonā. Izstādes atklāšana – 27. septembrī plkst. 18.30.

From September 28 to November 3, the exhibition "Solarophytes" by Finnish artist Maija Annikki Savolainen will be on view at the ISSP Gallery. The title “Solarophytes” is derived from the terms “solar”- (relating to or determined by the sun) and “-phytes” (a reference to a plant or plant-like organism), and focuses on photographic processes that are not within the visible range of electromagnetic radiation.The opening of the exhibition - September 27 at 6.30 PM.

ISSP 2015 Final Exhibition

We cordially invite all photography lovers to explore the results of the ISSP 2015 - the 10th anniversary edition - at the Final Exhibition in Kuldīga! The group show of ISSP participants' works will be on display until September 20 in Kuldīga Arts Hall. Welcome!

ISSP 2015 - Evening Programme

The ISSP 10th Anniversary Edition will offer a series of fascinating evening presentations and talks by the masters and participants at the ISSP campus in Pelči, Kuldīga district from Sunday August 2 until Saturday August 8. The evening programme is free of charge - all photography lovers are welcome!

ISSP Skolas izlaiduma izstāde 2013/2015

Laipni aicinām uz ISSP Skolas trešo izlaiduma izstādi - PAZAUDĒTS / ATRASTS galerijā NOASS! Izstādē piedalās 8 jaunie autori, un tā būs atvērta publikai no 3. - 22. jūnijām. Atklāšana 2.jūnijā plkst. 19:00!

Nico Baumgarten book launch and artist talk

6. maijā aicinām uz Vācijas fotogrāfa Niko Baumgartena grāmatas "How the other half lives" atklāšanu, atvērto lekciju un pop-up izstādi ISSP Skolas pagalmā!
On 6 May, ISSP will host the book launch of Nico Baumgarten's new book "How the other half lives", as well as an artist talk and pop-up exhibition!

Riga Photomonth 2015

ISSP is glad to be a partner and co-organiser of Riga Photomonth - the programme of 2015 off-year events start today! We are organising artist talks with Nico Baumgarten and Andrew Miksys and the exhibition of the ISSP students in June!
Mums ir prieks būt par daļu no Rīgas Fotomēneša - 2015. starpgadu programma sākās šodien! ISSP rīko publiskās lekcijas ar Nico Baumgartenu un Andrew Miksys un ISSP Skolas studentu darbu izstādi jūnija sākumā!

Artist Talks at the Museum

In cooperation with the Latvian Museum of Photogrpaphy, we invite to meet two photographers whose work made in Latvia is currently on show in the Museum! Artist talks by Hirohisa Koike (Japan) and Luca Berti (Italy) on 16th January 18:00!