We are very excited to announce that in 2019 the International Summer School of Photography will be moving to a new location and introducing its first thematic edition - Photography and the World!

Dates: 12 – 20 July 2019
Location: Zaļāsmuižas pils Grünhof, Jelgava District, Latvia

The six ISSP workshops will explore the role and position of photography in relation to political activism, ecology/environment, community engagement and the ritual/spirituality. The event will be a horizontal learning experience involving not only photography and visual art experts but also resource persons from other fields – activists, writers, environmental scientists, visual anthropologists. Together, the participants will try to answer questions like - What role can art/ photography play in relation to the events and processes happening in the world? What are the ways art can contribute to the societies we live in? What is the role of the photographer – as a professional, an activist, a member of the community, a responsible human being?

More information: issp.lv/en/education/summer-school/2019/about

Information on workshops and experts coming soon! Call for applications will be announced in January - February 2019.

Arno Rafael Minkkinen on ISSP

Arno Rafael Minkkinen on ISSP (7 September 2011):

To answer the famous question one gets later in life - where and with whom did you study - I can’t imagine ISSP students not reflecting back instantly on this amazing time of magical learning, creative abandon, intrepid risk taking - and moonlight dancing - not to mention the endless waterfalls and epiphanies of Kuldiga, the perfect location for it all. I know I would. Com’on, I was a student too!

Claudine Doury on ISSP

Claudine Doury on ISSP (2 September 2011):
ISSP is unique, its not surprising that participants apply from all over the world. One week of non-stop creativity in the middle of the forest. All made possible because of the incredible energy of the ISSP team. Special thanks to my students, it was an amazingly talented and lovely group.

Izstāde "Kuldīgas stāsti" Kalnciema kvartālā

No 25. augusta līdz 24. septembrim Rīgā, Kalnciema kvartālā apskatāmi darbi, kas radās žurnāla National Geographic redaktoru vadītās meistardarbnīcas "Dokumentālā foto-eseja: stāsti no Kuldīgas" laikā šī gada 27.-29. maijā, Kuldīgā.

Art is Risk Made Visible

Otrdien, 16. augustā, plkst.19.00, jaunajā ¼ Satori radošajā telpā Berga bazārā ar publisku lekciju uzstāsies vairāku starptautisko balvu laureāts, fotogrāfs, rakstnieks, kurators un pedagogs Arno Rafaēls Minkinens (Arno Rafael Minkkinen).

ISSP 2011 evening programme

The ISSP 2011 Evening programme will present exciting series of presentations and talks by teachers and guests - every evening 20:00, starting from 7 August till ISSP Exhibition Opening on 13th August. The evening talks are open to visitors free of charge - all lovers of photography are welcome.

ISSP 2011 notifications

Dear ISSP applicants, today we have sent email notifications to all, both selected and unselected applicants, informing about the results and the next steps for selected participants. But it looks like some of them may be stuck in spam filters! In case you have not received information on the selection results, check your spam storage first. If you still havent got the news, write to us at office@issp.lv ! Nice weekend to all!

ISSP 2011 participants selected

Good morning! The process of careful ISSP participants selection is now completed, and the list of the 60 photographers who will be offered places in Workshops 1-5 is online! Together with the Borderlines workshop, ISSP 2011 will host 72 photographers from 24 countries of the world. The list will be adjusted pending participants confirmations. We will inform all the applicants by email shortly.

Public lecture "The Photography of National Geographic Magazine"

An opportunity to learn about the photography of the National Geographic Magazine directly from its chief staff experts - Senior photo-editor Sarah Leen and Creative director Bill Marr. The lecture - presentation is open for all interested. 30 May 2011, at 19:00 at kim?

Update Applications

Ok the ISSP applications desk is now officially closed! It looks really exciting!! 163 applications from 35 countries of the world, finally South America is on ISSP map!! :) 
The results of the selection process will be available by the beginning of June.