We are very excited to announce that in 2019 the International Summer School of Photography will be moving to a new location and introducing its first thematic edition - Photography and the World!

Dates: 12 – 20 July 2019
Location: Zaļāsmuižas pils Grünhof, Jelgava District, Latvia

The six ISSP workshops will explore the role and position of photography in relation to political activism, ecology/environment, community engagement and the ritual/spirituality. The event will be a horizontal learning experience involving not only photography and visual art experts but also resource persons from other fields – activists, writers, environmental scientists, visual anthropologists. Together, the participants will try to answer questions like - What role can art/ photography play in relation to the events and processes happening in the world? What are the ways art can contribute to the societies we live in? What is the role of the photographer – as a professional, an activist, a member of the community, a responsible human being?

More information: issp.lv/en/education/summer-school/2019/about

Information on workshops and experts coming soon! Call for applications will be announced in January - February 2019.

Baltā nakts 2013

Baltajā naktī rādīsim ISSP 2013 noslēguma darbu projekcijas LU Botāniskajā dārzā, pasākuma "Šķūnis" ietvaros. Laipni lūgti!

ISSP izstāde Kuldīgā / ISSP Exhibition in Kuldīga

We cordially invite everyone to the opening of the ISSP 2013 Final works exhibition on 10th August in Kuldīga Arts hall! / Laipni lūgti ISSP 2013 noslēgumu darbu izstādes atklāšanā 10.augustā Kuldīgas Mākslas namā! 

ISSP 2013 vakaru programma

Ik vakaru no svētdienas 4.augustam līdz piektdienai 9.augustam ISSP mītnē Pelčos, Kuldīgas novadā notiks unikālas ISSP meistaru lekcijas un prezentācijas ISSP vakaru programmas ietvaros. Tradicionāli, ISSP vakaru programma ir atvērta visiem fotogrāfijas interesentiem bez maksas - laipni lūgti!


ISSP 2013 evening talks

Traditionally, the ISSP evening programme will be open to all photography lovers - free of charge! Every evening starting from Sunday, 4 August, till Friday, 9 August, we will offer a series of fascinating presentations and artist talks by ISSP masters, participants and invited guests at the ISSP campus in Pelči /Kuldīga. On Saturday, the 10th, everyone is invited to the opening of the exhibition of ISSP final works at the Kuldiga Arts Hall and the screening of participants' works at Kuldīga open air cinema.

Skolas izlaidums un Atvērto Durvju diena 5.jūnijā

Trešdien, 5. jūnijā, plkst 18:00, aicinām visus ISSP draugus, radus un interesentus uz Skolas Atverto Durvju dienu - 2. kursa izlaidumu un gala darbu prezentāciju, kā arī Pagalma Svētkiem! 

ISSP 2013 selected participants

Here we go - the list of selected ISSP 2013 participants is out (pending confirmations) - 72 photographers from 26 countries, 5 continents! We thank all the 254 who applied and the Jury for their hard work... there are many more very good applications in the waiting list... All the applicants must have received notification by email by now - if you haven't got one, check your spam folder!

Paul Hansen in Riga

Just before his talk at Splendid Palace in Riga, Paul Hansen, the winner of the World Press Photo of the Year 2012, speaks about the mission of the press photographer and what comes first.

World Press Photo izstāde atklāta!

World Press Photo izstāde Rīgā ir atklāta un gaida apmeklētājus Sv. Pētera baznīcā līdz 2.jūnijam! 
Te neliels aizkulišu video no izstādes tapšanas svētdienas naktī:

ISSP applications closed

Dear all, the ISSP 2013 application process is successfully closed - we have received 254 applications from over 40 countries, thank you all! The ISSP International Jury - photographers Alnis Stakle (LV) and Alexander Gronsky (RU/LV), and Chief Editor of GUP Magazine Erik Vroons (NL) - start to work this week. The results of the selection process will be known by the end of May.