Artist Talk: Armands Andže

Aicinām uz mākslinieka Armanda Andžes lekciju "Kas tad īsti ir dagerotīpija?", kas norisināsies 27. februārī plkst. 19.00 ISSP telpās saistībā ar šobrīd galerijā skatāmo izstādi "Bailes no ainavas".

Lekcijā Armands Andže iepazīstinās ar dagerotipijas vēsturisko izcelsmi, procesu un to, kā šī tehnika ir transformējusies līdz mūsdienām. Pēc lekcijas apmeklētāji būs aicināti apskatīt izstādi mākslinieka pavadībā.

Ieeja pasākumā bez maksas.

Uz tikšanos!

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No 7. februāra līdz 18. aprīlim ISSP Galerijā skatāma Armanda Andžes izstāde “Bailes no ainavas”, kas pievēršas Latvijas pilsētvides ikdienas ainavu mainīgajai dabai un to radītajām emocionālajām un sociālajām rezonansēm.

Armands Andže (1988) ir “Baltic Analog Lab” biedrs kopš 2018. gada. Ar analogo fotogrāfiju nodarbojas jau vairāk nekā 12 gadus. Viņš pašmācības ceļā apguvis vairākas senas analogās tehnikas un pievērš īpašu uzmanību analogo materiālu ilgtspējīgai izmantošanai.

Izstādes kuratores: Iveta Gabaliņa un Kamilla Kūna

Izstāde veidota ar Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonda atbalstu.

Plašāka informācija par izstādi

ISSP meklē praktikantu/s

Rudens/ziemas mēnešos aicinām ISSP komandai pievienoties praktikantu/s, kas asistēs ISSP ikdienas darbos un mūsu rīkotajos projektos un pasākumos! Ja tev ir vismaz 18 gadi un tevi interesē fotogrāfija, laikmetīgā māksla un radošie procesi, tu pārvaldi latviešu un angļu valodu, un vēlies gūt pirmo darba pieredzi, piesakies ISSP praksei! Praksi iespējams apvienot ar citiem darbiem un studijām.

ISSP Photowalk No. 1 :: Āgenskalns with Reinis Hofmanis

Join ISSP for a new series of English-language events: Photowalks around Riga neighborhoods! Together with the best Latvian photographers, we invite you to explore and learn more about Riga's local neighborhoods through the lens.

Artist Talk: Kristine Mifsud

We invite you to meet our artist-in-residence Kristine Mifsud (CA/LV) on October 2, at 7 PM at Bolderāja! Kristine will speak about the experimental analogue process she undertook during her residency, how she arrived at this project, her previous work, and the importance of experimentation and failure in art making. Welcome!

Zanes Priedes izstāde “Marmoleum Real 2mm” pagarināta līdz 24. oktobrim

Dalāmies ar lieliskiem jaunumiem - Zanes Priedes izstāde “Marmoleum Real 2mm” tiek pagarināta līdz 24. oktobrim (ar pārtraukumu no 2. līdz 7. oktobrim)! Savukārt no 4. līdz 6. oktobrim ISSP Gallerijas komanda ar Zanes Priedes izstādi viesosies Viļņā ArtVilnius’24 mākslas mesē!

We would like to share great news - the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede is extended until October 24 (with a break from October 2 to 7)! Also, from October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 art fair with the exhibition!

Art Fair ArtVilnius’24

From October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 contemporary art fair with the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede!

ArtVilnius’24 presents exceptional works of art and promotes creativity, cultural dialogue, and international cooperation. The programme of the fair is complemented by an education programme of discussions, lectures, presentations of art publications, and excursions with art critics.

Open Call: 'Seeking the Latest in Photography!' Award 2025

Together with the Riga Photography Biennial, ISSP Gallery announce an Open Call for the ‘Seeking the Latest in Photography!’ Award 2025! Until 6th October 2024, young artists from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are invited to submit their work. The winner of the award will be chosen by an international jury and will have an opportunity to hold a solo exhibition at the ISSP Gallery within the framework of the Riga Photography Biennial – NEXT 2025 program held in spring, 2025, where the awarding of other laureates will also take place.

ISSP Riga Residency open for applications

We are happy to share the news - the ISSP Riga Residency programme is continuing in a new modality from October 2024!

The ISSP Riga residency provides an opportunity for concentrated work on a personal research or photography-related art project informed by interaction with Riga / Latvia and its residents. We welcome photographers and artists interested in exploring the local social and cultural context, connecting to the ISSP platform of activities, and exploring the vibrant Riga culture life and Latvian wild nature and traditions. Applications are open on a rolling basis throughout the year. 

Art Fair Foto Tallinn 2024

We are excited to announce that you can meet us at the Foto Tallinn 2024 art fair this week! 

Foto Tallinn is a biannual international photographic art fair that presents the latest contemporary photography selected by a professional jury and creates an opportunity for the art audience to see, buy, and collect fresh photographic art. For professionals in the field, Foto Tallinn offers a platform for collaboration and discussion, meetings with the art audience, and the presentation of their work to art enthusiasts. 

Call for images ISSP Agenda 2025

We invite image submissions for inclusion in the ISSP Agenda 2025! The ISSP Agenda 2025 will feature 30 original images selected via this open call. Our favourite daily companion, perfect for handwritten notes of all kinds, will traditionally combine the functions of a weekly planner, a bullet journal, and a notebook. Planned release - October 2024.

ISSP Jauniešu skola atsāk nodarbības un izsludina atvērto durvju dienu

Aicinām pieteikties un apgūt fotogrāfiju ISSP Jauniešu skolā! Septembrī atsāksies ISSP Jauniešu skolas nodarbības, kurās pusaudžiem vecumā no 11 līdz 18 gadiem būs iespēja apgūt atttēla veidošanas prasmes, iemācīties vizuālo lasītprasmi un radoši izpausties fotogāfijas medijā!

Artist Talk: Lê Quyên Nguyễn, Agnese Gutovska, Mike Saijo

Come to meet our current Artists in Residence - German-raised Vietnamese photographer Lê Quyên Nguyễn, Latvian-born UK photographer Agnese Gutovska, and an artist from Los Angelos Mike Saijo! They will be talking about their work, and we will open a pop-up exhibition delving into the realities of the Vietnamese diaspora in Riga by Lê Quyên Nguyễn!