New website and ISSP Applications

Dear visitor! Welcome to the new ISSP website!
We hope that you like the new re-designed version as much as we do! We will be perfecting it in the coming week.

More good news: the applications for the International Summer School of Photography 2011 are open! The complete information on ISSP 2011 is now online and we are looking forward to receiving your incoming applications. Deadline - 8th of May 2011!

Claudine Doury on ISSP

Claudine Doury on ISSP (2 September 2011):
ISSP is unique, its not surprising that participants apply from all over the world. One week of non-stop creativity in the middle of the forest. All made possible because of the incredible energy of the ISSP team. Special thanks to my students, it was an amazingly talented and lovely group.

Izstāde "Kuldīgas stāsti" Kalnciema kvartālā

No 25. augusta līdz 24. septembrim Rīgā, Kalnciema kvartālā apskatāmi darbi, kas radās žurnāla National Geographic redaktoru vadītās meistardarbnīcas "Dokumentālā foto-eseja: stāsti no Kuldīgas" laikā šī gada 27.-29. maijā, Kuldīgā.

ISSP 2011 evening programme

The ISSP 2011 Evening programme will present exciting series of presentations and talks by teachers and guests - every evening 20:00, starting from 7 August till ISSP Exhibition Opening on 13th August. The evening talks are open to visitors free of charge - all lovers of photography are welcome.

ISSP Skolai saņemti 52 pieteikumi

Esam saņēmusi 52 pieteikumus pirmajam ISSP Skolas mācību gadam! Paldies visiem, kas pieteicās, par uzticēšanos un interesi par jauno programmu. Dalību piedāvāsim tiem 15, kuriem pēc mūsu domām, šī programma ir visvairāk vajadzīga. Atlases rezultātus paziņosim līdz augusta sākumam.

ISSP izveido Skolu un izsludina pieteikšanos mācību gadam 2011/12!

Mūsu vairāku mēnešu garumā lolots projekts ir klāt - ISSP Skola! Mācību kurss fotogrāfiem, kuri vēlās iedziļināties medija saturiskajos aspektos deviņu mēnešu garumā, paralēli strādājot pie personīgā projekta un mācoties no Latvijas labākiem fotogrāfiem. Nodarbības notiks no 2011.gada septembra līdz maijam, darbadienu vakaros. Grupas dalībnieku skaits - 15 cilvēki. Pieteikumus pieņemam līdz 10.jūlijam! 

ISSP 2011 notifications

Dear ISSP applicants, today we have sent email notifications to all, both selected and unselected applicants, informing about the results and the next steps for selected participants. But it looks like some of them may be stuck in spam filters! In case you have not received information on the selection results, check your spam storage first. If you still havent got the news, write to us at ! Nice weekend to all!

ISSP 2011 participants selected

Good morning! The process of careful ISSP participants selection is now completed, and the list of the 60 photographers who will be offered places in Workshops 1-5 is online! Together with the Borderlines workshop, ISSP 2011 will host 72 photographers from 24 countries of the world. The list will be adjusted pending participants confirmations. We will inform all the applicants by email shortly.

Portfolio review: Sarah Leen and Bill Marr

Uzmanību! ISSP izsludina pieteikšanos uz portfolio skatēm ar žurnāla National Geographic galveno redaktori Sāru Līn un radošo direktoru Bilu Marru - fotogrāfiem kuri strādā dokumentālā žanrā. Skate notiks 2011.g. 30.maijā kim? telpās.