ISSP Masterclass evening talks in Kuldīga: Norfolk, Toledano
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ISSP International Masterclass - Kuldīga evening talks
23 - 29 October
Kuldīga Arts School, Pētera iela 5
As part of the first Masterclass session in Kuldīga, a series of talks and presentations by the tutors and participants are open to all photography lovers, free of charge!
Sunday, October 23
20.00 - a short presentation of ISSP activities;
- Artist talk - Simon Norfolk (UK)
Described by one critic as “the leading documentary photographer of our time”, Norfolk is a landscape photographer whose work over a dozen years has been themed around a probing and stretching of the meaning of the word 'battlefield' in all its forms.
Monday, October 24
20.00 - Artist talk - Phil Toledano (US)
Phil Toledano is one of the most well known conceptual artists working with photography today. His work, ranging from the sociological to the political, to the deeply personal, has been exhibited worldwide and published in 7 monographs.
Tuesday, October 25
20.00 - Participants' portfolio presentations, part I
Wednesday, October 26
20.00 - Participants' portfolio presentations, part II
Saturday, October 29
17.00 - Presentations of the participants' work created during the week in Kuldīga, and their year-long project intentions
The ISSP International Masterclass is a year-long education and networking programme designed for emerging photographers - the participants develop a body of personal work, receiving feedback and guidance from the tutors on workshop sessions and online meetings. 2016/2017 programme hosts classes "Conceptualising the Personal" by Phillip Toledano and "Photographing the Past" by Simon Norfolk.
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ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases fotogrāfijas lekcijas Kuldīgā
23. - 29. oktobris
Kuldīgas Mākslas skola, Pētera iela 5
ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases 2016/2017 pirmās sesijas ietvaros, interesentiem ir iespēja apmeklēt programmas pasniedzēju un studentu lekcijas un prezentācijas. Pasākumi ir bez maksas!
Svētdiena, 23. oktobris
20.00 - īsa ISSP darbības prezentacija
- Saimons Norfolks (Lielbritānija)
Norfolks ir viens no vadošajiem mūsdienu dokumentālajiem fotogrāfiem, kurš galvenokārt strādā ainavas žanrā. Norfolku interesē kara lauka jēdziens un tā nozīme mūsdienās.
Pirmdiena, 24. oktobris
20.00 - Fils Toledano (ASV)
Fils Toledano ir viens no atpazīstamākajiem mūsdienu konceptuālajiem fotogrāfiem. Toledano darbi, kas pievēršas sociālām, politiskām un dziļi personiskām tēmām, izstādīti visapkārt pasaulei, ieskaitot trīs apjomīgas retrospektīvas un 7 monogrāfijas.
Otrdiena, 25. oktobris
20.00 - Meistarklases dalībnieku portfolio prezentācijas, I daļa
Trešdiena, 26. oktobris
20.00 - Meistarklases dalībnieku portfolio prezentācijas, II daļa
Sestdiena, 29. oktobris
17.00 - Dalībnieku Kuldīgā radīto darbu un gada projektu ideju prezentācija
ISSP Starptautiskā meistarklase ir gadu gara praksē balstīta fotogrāfijas izglītības programma. Tās ietvaros norisinās divas tematiskās plūsmas, kuras vada starptautiski atzīti fotogrāfijas mākslinieki.
ISSP International masterclass is supported by the State Cultural Capital Foundation and the Kuldīga District Council/ ISSP Starptautisko meistarklasi atbalsta VKKF un Kuldīgas novada dome.
We are glad to announce that the applications for the double master-class by Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou in Riga are officially open! The workshop will take place on 27-28 March 2010 and is organized in cooperation with kim?
Hey hey! Just in case anybody doubts it - ISSP 2010 will take place this year, disregarding all the crises!!! And it will be greater than ever, with fantastic teachers, and of course, fantastic students!:) The dates are 31 July - 8 August 2010, in Ezersala, Ludza. We are actively working on the preparations and fundraising - lets keep our fingers crossed for our yet-unconfirmed supporters and sponsors, as we hope to keep the fees down as usual…
We plan to announce the applications by the beginning of April 2010! btw, we have received two applications already - using the 2009 form. these are considered too late… upps… too early ;-))
Yes, its true - Vanessa Winship is coming to visit us again, together with her partner, another great photographer George Georgiou!
The schedule of public events that we are planning in cooperation with kim? :
23 March 2010, 19:00 - Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou: artist talk & works presentation - open event for all interested
27-28 March 2010 (2 full days) - “Documentary practice and narrative, the long term project”: double master-class, workshop - previous application required
Good news! The ISSP 2009 Exhibition at Goethe Institute is prolonged till 20 March 2010! GI is open for public every working day till 8 pm and on Saturdays till 3:30. Address: Old Town, Torņa iela 1.
You are most welcome to attend the ISSP 2009 Exhibition at Goethe Institute Riga (Torņu iela 1, entrance from Klosteru iela). The Exhibition is open Mondays-Fridays 09:00 – 20:00, Saturdays: 09:00 – 15:30, till 31 January 2010!
We are happy to announce that the ISSP 2009 results are about to be presented in Riga - the ISSP 2009 Exhibition opens on 3 December 2009, 18:30 at Goethe-Institute Riga! All the participants, family and friends of the International Summer School of Photography are invited!
The date and time of the ISSP 2009 Vernissage in Riga is 3 December 2009, 18:30, at Goethe Institute !
The exhibition will feature a selection of most vivid works (5 per workshop), to be selected by ISSP teachers. We also very much hope to present the ISSP 2010 Catalogue!
Everyone is cordially invited!
In connection with the Opening we also present first ISSP workshop in Riga: Photoworks presentation: sequence, context & strategies or How To Get Your Work Out in Public by Kai Olaf Hesse from BerlinPhotoWorkshops. Two days, December 4-5, applications till November 20. More information coming soon!
We have launched a new activity - a series of ISSP club meetings in Riga! The club evenings will take place with an approximate regularity of every second week. In the programme: ISSP participants’ presentation of completed or ongoing projects, invited artists’ talks, and a special selection of photography-related movies. The main motivation is to keep up the contacts and networking among the ISSP participants.
All ISSP friends are welcome! Information on upcoming events - in your mailboxes, or at ISSP Facebook group.
Ps. Thanks to Jānis & Red Roofs Hotel for location support!