Izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Jauna ISSP aktivitāte – izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Rīgā, Andrejsalā, biedrības Orbīta telpās “Elektrocehs”, 12.jūlijā 18:00 tiks atklāta izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata. Tajā tiks eksponēti jauno fotogrāfu, Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas 2006 absolventu īpaši izstādei radītas foto - dienasgrāmatas.

Izstādē piedalās jaunie fotogrāfi Krista Burāne, Mikus Kļaviņs, Uldis Daugaviņs, Sabīne Mežkaze, Viesturs Pinka, Viktorija Krone, Asnate Bočkis, Edgars Širokovs.

Izstādi Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata varēs aplūkot:
- 12.jūlijs līdz 22.jūlijs, Andrejsalā, biedrības Orbīta telpās “Elektrocehs” (15 – 21)
- 23.jūlijs līdz 5.augusts, t/c Spice (10 – 22)
- 20.augusts līdz 3.septembris, t/c Galerija Centrs (24h)
- 4.-20.septembris, t/c Alfa (10 -22)

Baiba Tetere, izstādes kuratore, informējot par izstādi stāsta:

“Ar dienasgrāmatu nereti uztveram intīmu tekstuālu vēstījumu, interakciju starp rakstītāju, pašu dienasgrāmatu un visbeidzot lasītāju. Šīs izstādes autori- foto dienasgrāmatu “rakstītāji” - it kā “atvērs” lasītājam savus ikdienas dzīves lapaspuses, aicinot skatītāju uz personiskāku sarunu par parasti neparasto un neparasti parasto. Veidojot izstādi, autoru mērķis ir ne tik daudz indivīda privātās telpas atklāšana ar pretenziju uz provokatīvu ekshibicionismu, cik iedziļināšanās ikdienas fragmentos, caur tiem atklājot skatītājam autora pieredzi un atziņas no sava pasaules izziņas procesa.”

Izstādē Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata dienasgrāmatu rakstīšanai un lasīšanai kalpos mūsdienīgs, Latvijā līdz šim neizmantots attēlu eksponēšanas veids – digitālajā kamerā fiksēto mirkļu projicēšana televizoru ekrānos, fotokameras pieslēdzot televizoram. Šāds ekspozīcijas veids ne tikai runā par zināmām iezīmēm dienasgrāmatošanas raksturā postmodernajā laikmetā, bet arī ļauj notvert fotogrāfijai un dienasgrāmatai kopīgo momentāno raksturu, saglabājot “lapu pāršķiršanas” sajūtu, kā arī paturot foto stāstījumā autora paredzēto secību.

Izstādi rīko SFVS un biedrība Biba&Māsas izstādes tehniskajā realizācijā atbalstu sniedz SONY Latvia.
Izstādes atbalstītāji: t/c Spice, t/c Galerija Centrs, t/c ALFA, biedrība Orbīta.
Izstādes informatīvie atbalstītāji: DIENA, Izglītība un Kultūra, LETA, radio NABA, draugiem.lv, satori.lv

Papildus informācijai: Līna Leitāne, E: lina@m3style.com, M: 29164881

ISSP 2010 application results coming soon

Dear all, we have completed the selection process and are getting ready to announce the results. The list of ISSP selected participants will be announced to applicants by email and on this site today - tomorrow.

ISSP 2010 applications completed

Dear all, the ISSP Application period is now closed. We have received 182 applications from a total of 41 countries. The runners-up after Latvia (54) are Germany (15), Italy/Russia (11), UK (10), and Finland/Turkey (7). The furthest ones are Canada/US, South Africa, and Hong Kong. We seem to have gone global this year. This is truly exciting, thank you all!

We are looking forward for evaluating the applications! The results of participants’ selection will be known by the end of the month - everyone who applied will hear from us. Have a great month of May! :)

ISSP 2010 Applications - 5 days to go

Just a reminder: the deadline for the ISSP 2010 Applications is 10 May 2010 as announced and will not be prolonged. We will be accepting applications till 24:00 Monday, 10th of May. Any applications arriving later will only be considered for the Waiting list, if at all.

Ps. We are already very excited about the amazing collection of applications that have already arrived (by now from 28 countries, 4 continents)! We wish you all good luck and are looking forward for the selection process!

Aaron Shuman in Riga (second try)

We all try again and are looking forward to host Aaron Shuman in Riga this weekend, provided no more volcano surprises coming up. The lecture “Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs” will take place at kim? at 19:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.

The workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia will run this weekend, 1-2 May. You are welcome to apply for several vacant places till this Friday, 30 April!


ISSP Applications (update)

The Application form now works in all browsers! In case you encounter a problem, write to us at office@issp.lv.

We have already received first 10 applications from an incredible mixture of 7 countries! :) Looking forward for more!

ISSP Applications open (but for Safaris)

Hey hey! We are pleased to announce that the applications for the International Summer School of Photography 2010 are officially open. The deadline for applications is 10 May 2010. We will accept 60 students in total this year.

One small note! - our newly introduced on-line Application form still refuses to make friends with Safari browser, so problems with uploading photos there. Thus you will be on safer side if you use any other browser than Safari if you want to apply immediately. We are working on this problem, so hopefully everything works everywhere soon!
And of course, we are looking forward to seeing your applications!
And please, spread the news :)

Coming up - ISSP 2010 Applications

The new OnLine Application form will materialize Very Soon (all of our fingers crossed). Meanwhile, the complete information on ISSP 2010 is already here. Take a look and prepare yourselves!

Aaron Shuman in Riga: workshop and lecture

In framework of US culture month in Riga “Made in USA“, we are pleased to invite applications to an ISSP-run workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia by a great photographer, editor, writer and curator Aaron Shuman. The workshop shall take place on 17-18 April 2010, at kim? Riga.

The two days course combines lectures, critique, and individual photographing by participants to explore in depth the subject of NOSTALGIA. See complete workshop description here, and apply till 15 April!

ISSP 2010 workshops online

We are happy to present the fantastic collection of ISSP 2010 workshops! Please see Workshops & teachers. The electronic Application form will appear online very soon.

Sunny greetings from ISSP team :)