Izsludinām pieteikšanos ISSP Skolai 2012/2014

Attīstot pirmā Skolas gada pieredzi, esam nolēmuši pāriet uz divu gadu mācību programmu, pirmo gadu veltot fotogrāfijas medija saturisko aspektu apgūšanai un praktiskajiem uzdevumiem, un otru – autorprojekta attīstīšanai. Ja Tu padziļināti interesējies un praktiski nodarbojies ar fotogrāfiju, vēlies paplašināt savu radošo potenciālu un izpratni par fotogrāfijas mediju, un realizēt personīgu autorprojektu, gūstot pieredzi no Latvijas labākajiem fotogrāfiem, ISSP Skola ir domāta Tev! 

Pieteikumus jaunajam Skolas mācību kursam 2012/2014 pieņemam līdz 15.jūlijam! 
Nodarbības sāksies 2012.gada septembrī. Grupas dalībnieku skaits I kursā - 20 cilvēki. 

Update Applications

Ok the ISSP applications desk is now officially closed! It looks really exciting!! 163 applications from 35 countries of the world, finally South America is on ISSP map!! :) 
The results of the selection process will be available by the beginning of June.

New website and ISSP Applications

Dear visitor! Welcome to the new ISSP website!
We hope that you like the new re-designed version as much as we do!  We will be perfecting it in the coming week.

More good news: the applications for the International Summer School of Photography 2011 are open! The complete information on ISSP 2011 is now online and we are looking forward to receiving your incoming applications. Deadline - 8th of May 2011!

ISSP is moving to Kuldīga

Now, this is not a 1st April joke, its official: the ISSP international summer school is moving to Kuldīga! Though it all happened a little suddenly, we are happy with the new situation. The new location, Pelči boarding school, is 4 km away from town, so we’ll keep all the intimacy of the campus. Kuldīga is a gem and a runner up UNESCO world heritage site, it will for sure charm everyone.
Besides, we will have a real castle all for ourselves - imagine ! :)

Coming up - ISSP 2011 & more

Many, many things in process. By the end of the month, we will be ready to announce the applications for Summer School 2011. You can already find some information about 2011 workshops and teachers here. We will also have a brand - new website, and more exciting news coming up soon!

ISSP 2011 - dates

Hallo everyone! The dates for International Summer School of Photography 2011 are 6 - 14 August, and we plan to announce the applications as usual around end March - beginning of April. Stay tuned!

ISSP Exhibition “Reference point” in Riga

A short video-documentation of ISSP 2010 exhibition “Reference Point” currently on show at Goethe Institute in Riga is available on vimeo! For those who still have not seen it, the exhibition  will be on show till January 30.

And, btw, as of January 2011 the ISSP 2010 catalogues and the complete collection of 2006 - 2010 catalogues can be purchased at the Latvian Museum of Photography (you can also take a look at them for free at kim? reading room, Satori, META cafe, Istaba and couple of other places).

Peter Bialobrzeski on ISSP

Last but not least - Peter Bialobrzeski on ISSP (17 October 2010):

ISSP 2010 was the best photography event I have participated in this year. Teaching there was special, a childhood-like summer with plenty of lovely people, fellow teachers and workshop participants likewise. The workshop was an intense work experience with a lovely holiday feel about it!