Fotoprojekciju nakts: FOTOFESTIWAL LODZ / 2012 / THE GRAND PRIX

©Tomasz Lazar, Dreamline, Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2012

26.06.2012 plkst. 22:00, Kaņepes Kultūras centra pagalmā (Skolas iela 15)

Photography night | Fotoprojekciju nakts:
sadarbībā ar: International Festival of Photography in Lodz, Poland

Sadarbībā ar starptautisko Lodzas fotofestivālu, kas katru gadu notiek Polijā, 26.jūnijā plkst. 22:00 KKC Rīgā notiks festivāla 12 finālistu fotodarbu nakts projekcijas. Lodzas festivāla Grand Prix konkurss notiek jau sesto gadu un tajā piedalās vairāk nekā 500 fotogrāfu no visas pasaules. Festivāla starptautiskā žūrija izvēlās uzvarētāju un 10-12 finālistus. Šogad galveno balvu ieguva poļu fotogrāfs Tomas Lāzars ar projektu „DREAMLINE (2008-2011)”.

Kaņepes Kultūras centrā demonstrētā 72 minūšu garā fotoprojekcija sniegs ieskatu 12 fesitvāla finālistu darbos. Pirmo reizi tā tika demonstrēta Lodzas festivāla nakts programmas ietvaros š.g. 12. maija.

In cooperation with the International Festival of Photography in Lodz, Poland, we are proud to present in Riga the selection of 12 finalists of Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2012, the contest for contemporary photographers organized by Lodz Fotofestiwal since 2006. More than 500 photographers from all over the world apply for the award every year, competing for a monetary prize together with an exhibition during the Fotofestiwal. An international jury of experts selects 10-12 finalists and the winner. In 2012, the main prize was awarded to Tomasz Lazar, the first Polish winner of the Grand Prix in the history of the Fotofestiwal, for his project “DREAMLINE (2008-2011)”.

The 72 minute slide show presents the 12 finalist projects of the Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2012 and was specially prepared for the festival programme and screened on the night of 12 May, 2012.

Fotogrāfi / artists:

Stefan BladhStasis (Sweden) / Eran GilatLife Science (Israel) / Yoshi KametaniPlastic Spoon (USA) / Jakub KarwowskiSentimental Fiction (Poland) /Tomasz LazarDreamline (Poland) /Lorena Morinseeingyou(Spain) / Vittorio MortarottiH (Italy) / Isabelle PateerUnsettled (Belgium) / Egor Rogalev,Faraway, so close! (Russia) / Elena SaenkoInhabitancy (Russia) / Anastasia Taylor-LindThe National Womb: Baby boom in Nagorno Karabakh (Great Britain) / Nigel BennetSilence Has An Echo (Italy)


© FOTOFESTIWAL International Festival of Photography in Lodz, Poland
montage by Aman Iman Team

Organizē: ISSP sadarbībā ar Kaņepes Kultūras centru
fotorpojekciju Rīgā atbalsta: EPSON

Public lecture "The Photography of National Geographic Magazine"

An opportunity to learn about the photography of the National Geographic Magazine directly from its chief staff experts - Senior photo-editor Sarah Leen and Creative director Bill Marr. The lecture - presentation is open for all interested. 30 May 2011, at 19:00 at kim?

Aktuāli: ISSP BW lab

ISSP invites all interested in Black and White analogue process and looking for lab facilities to become 2011 members of our BW Lab in Andrejsala (Riga). Lab members can use fully equipped ISSP BW lab for a year - pretty much without any time limits. Full info in Latvian below. For more info, please call Arnis :)

ISSP Exhibition “Reference point” in Riga

A short video-documentation of ISSP 2010 exhibition “Reference Point” currently on show at Goethe Institute in Riga is available on vimeo! For those who still have not seen it, the exhibition  will be on show till January 30.

And, btw, as of January 2011 the ISSP 2010 catalogues and the complete collection of 2006 - 2010 catalogues can be purchased at the Latvian Museum of Photography (you can also take a look at them for free at kim? reading room, Satori, META cafe, Istaba and couple of other places).

Greetings from Ludza - ISSP 2010 Exhibition

The ISSP 2010 Exhibition was festively opened on 7 August 2010. Visitors are welcome to view the entire collection of artistic projects of 65 participants in Ludza till 2 October 2010.

ISSP evening programme open to visitors

The ISSP Evening Programme at Ezersala boarding school (Ludza district) from 1st till 7th August will be traditionally open for interested visitors and guests! Detailed programme in English here.

Aaron Shuman in Riga (second try)

We all try again and are looking forward to host Aaron Shuman in Riga this weekend, provided no more volcano surprises coming up. The lecture “Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs” will take place at kim? at 19:00 on Saturday 1 May 2010.

The workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia will run this weekend, 1-2 May. You are welcome to apply for several vacant places till this Friday, 30 April!


Aaron Shuman in Riga: workshop and lecture

In framework of US culture month in Riga “Made in USA“, we are pleased to invite applications to an ISSP-run workshop Aesthetics of nostalgia by a great photographer, editor, writer and curator Aaron Shuman. The workshop shall take place on 17-18 April 2010, at kim? Riga.

The two days course combines lectures, critique, and individual photographing by participants to explore in depth the subject of NOSTALGIA. See complete workshop description here, and apply till 15 April!

Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou in Riga

Yes, its true - Vanessa Winship is coming to visit us again, together with her partner, another great photographer George Georgiou!

The schedule of public events that we are planning in cooperation with kim? :
23 March 2010, 19:00 - Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou: artist talk & works presentation - open event for all interested
27-28 March 2010 (2 full days) - “Documentary practice and narrative, the long term project”: double master-class, workshop - previous application required