Artist Talk: Kat Bawden, Martyna Benedyka, Francesco Villa
We invite you to meet current ISSP artists in residence - Kat Bawden, Martyna Benedyka and Francesco Villa on Wednesday, 26th June at 19.00! They will talk about their art practices and ways of exploring different paths in photography and visual art, as well as show some of their work done in Riga during the last month. Welcome!
Kat Bawden is an artist, educator, and curator from Chicago. Her work explores and mediates relationships between the body, memory, and the self. Working with sensitivity to our physiological connection to light, her photography, video installations, and performances activate viewers’ bodies as a medium for somatic experience and emotional exchange. Kat teaches photography at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and runs an exhibition space and publishing house Murmuration.
Martyna Benedyka is a visual and sound artist, painter, photographer, and soprano singer. Working in a wide range of media, she focuses on various concepts of existence, memory and beauty, always looking behind what is seen. During her stay in Riga, she has been working on a new photographic project investigating monumentalism as a symbol that is increasingly present in our lives and often expressed through destruction or oblivion.
Francesco Villa is an Italian photographer and designer. His photography investigates the complexity of the contemporary landscape, making his projects open questions to the viewer for collective speculation on the present time. In 2019, he founded - a collective space for photography and publishing. He lives and works between Milan and Rome.
Trešdien, 22.februarī plkst 18:30 ISSP Skolas vieslekciju programmas ietvaros notiks tikšanās ar Igauņu modes fotogrāfi Katrīnu Tang (fashion and editorial photography), kura rādīs/stāstīs par saviem projektiem.
ISSP Skola sadarbībā ar Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzeju aicina uz tikšanos ar fotogrāfu Ēriku Lusito (FR): “Pēc dzelzs priekškara. Padomju impērijas mantojums – pagrimuma semiotika” piektdien, 3. februarī, plkst. 18:00, Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzejā.
Trešdien, 25.janvārī plkst 18:30 ISSP Skolā notiks mākslas zinātnieces, kuratortes Ineses Baranovskas lekcija "Fotogrāfijas nozīme laikmetīgās mākslas dokumentācijā".
Trešdien, 11.janvārī plkst 18:30 ISSP Skolā notiks tikšanās ar fotogrāfu un režisoru Mārtiņu Graudu, kurā viņš stāstīs par saviem personīgajiem fotoprojektiem.
Aicinām ISSP draugus, draugu draugus, un draugu draugu draugus apmeklēt pirmo vēsturē ISSP "Garage Sale" - fotogrāfiju izpārdošanu šī gada 28.decembrī no plkst 17:00 - 21:00. Tava dalība atbalstīs ISSP darbību 2012.gadā!
Dear friends, our yearly happening is approaching - the opening of the ISSP Exhibition in Riga!
Traditionally, a selection of ISSP final works will be exhibited at Goethe Institute. The Opening event is on Thursday, 20 October at 18:30. We will also be presenting the ISSP 2011 catalogue and releasing a short ISSP 2011 documentary by Ģirts Raģelis. All the ISSP students, friends and family are welcome!
10. septembrī Baltajā naktī, Berga bazārā, sadarbībā ar 1/4 Satori - mūsu pirmās foto-projekcijas pilsētvidē: tiks demonstrētas Maikla Akermana, Vanessas Winship, George Georgiou un Claudine Doury lieliskās kolekcijas.
No 25. augusta līdz 24. septembrim Rīgā, Kalnciema kvartālā apskatāmi darbi, kas radās žurnāla National Geographic redaktoru vadītās meistardarbnīcas "Dokumentālā foto-eseja: stāsti no Kuldīgas" laikā šī gada 27.-29. maijā, Kuldīgā.
Otrdien, 16. augustā, plkst.19.00, jaunajā ¼ Satori radošajā telpā Berga bazārā ar publisku lekciju uzstāsies vairāku starptautisko balvu laureāts, fotogrāfs, rakstnieks, kurators un pedagogs Arno Rafaēls Minkinens (Arno Rafael Minkkinen).
You are cordially invited to the exhibition of ISSP 2011 final works in Kuldīga! The Opening and the screening of gala-works at Kuldiga open-air cinema are on Saturday, 13th August, 19:00. The exhibition is open to public till 2 October 2011.
The ISSP 2011 Evening programme will present exciting series of presentations and talks by teachers and guests - every evening 20:00, starting from 7 August till ISSP Exhibition Opening on 13th August. The evening talks are open to visitors free of charge - all lovers of photography are welcome.
Līdz 12.augustam Kuldīgas novada muzejā apskatāmi darbi, kas radās žurnāla National Geographic darbinieku vadītās meistardarbnīcas "Dokumentālā foto-eseja: stāsti no Kuldīgas" laikā šī gada 26.-29. maijā.