May 12 - June 16
Latvian Railway History Museum, Uzvaras bulvāris 2A, Riga
The exhibition featured Paris Photo - Aperture PhotoBook Awards 2015 winners, KesselsKramer Publishing, The Sochi Project, The Library Project, Asia-Pacific Photobook Archive, Private Albums curated by Andrejs Strokins, The Photobook as a Platform for Critical Thoughts curated by Nico Baumgarten, a collection of Baltic Photobooks curated by Evita Goze and as well the best entries from the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest.
8 - 11 MAY Workshop Words and Pictures, Pictures and Words with Gordon MacDonald.
The workshop was aimed at both photographers and photobook editors. During the workshop Gordon MacDonald, Director of GOST Books, ran a series of lectures, seminars and personal feedback sessions aimed at practitioners who want to know more about combining images and text.
12.00 - 13.00 Hester Keijser (The Independent Photo Book, NL), The photobook in the age of networked technology
13.00 - 14.00 Erik Kessels (KesselsKramer, NL), Storytelling with vernacular photography
14.00 - 15.00 Tom Mrazauskas (Brave Books, DE/LT), Visible acoustics: type, typography, photobook
16.00 - 17.00 Gordon MacDonald (GOST Books, UK), Editing as a Collaborative Act
17.00 - 18.00 Ángel Luis González Fernández (The Library Project, IE), Tips and ideas for self-publishing
18.30 - 19.30 Turning the page - Another chapter in the development of the photobook, discussion with all the speakers moderated by Nico Baumgarten (DE)
19.30 - 20.30 SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2016 Dummy Contest award ceremony.
26 MAY
18.00 Discussion Photobooks in Latvia.
Participants: Arnis Balčus, Māra Brašmane, Inga Erdmane, Reinis Hofmanis, Anna Volkova.
18.00 Discussion Books that Inspire - presenting phtotography in book form.
Participants: Viktorija Eksta, Alnis Stakle, Vladimir Svetlov, Kārlis Vērpe.
The events were a part of the RIGA PHOTOMONTH 2016 programme.