ISSP 2008 Post Mortem

Uff, its over now… Alas, all the great things come to an end… but only to give way to new beginnings. With all due self-criticism (particularly towards the technicalities of the digital lab), we have to admit that the event was next to perfect! A quick glance at the participants evaluation forms - over 4/5 of the students rated their ISSP experience as ‘excellent’… More feedback in quotes:

The ISSP 2007 Catalogue has been released!

The ISSP 2007 Catalogue is a collection of 15 photo-series created by the ISSP students for the final exhibition in August 2007. An independent jury: art historian and curator Inese Baranovska, photographer Alnis Stakle and painter Andris Eglitis was engaged in the production of the catalogue by selecting three brightest photo-series from each of the 5 thematic workshops. The publication is a documentary of the creative results of the ISSP. It also provides a summary insight into artistic explorations of new authors, at the same time reflecting the current tendencies in young contemporary photography.

Izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Jauna ISSP aktivitāte – izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata

Rīgā, Andrejsalā, biedrības Orbīta telpās “Elektrocehs”, 12.jūlijā 18:00 tiks atklāta izstāde Fotogrāfa dienasgrāmata. Tajā tiks eksponēti jauno fotogrāfu, Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas 2006 absolventu īpaši izstādei radītas foto - dienasgrāmatas.