Fotogrāfijas rezidence Kairā

Priecājamies izziņot pieteikšanos rezidencei Kairā, Ēģiptē, starptautiskā projekta Alternative Storytelling ietvaros! Pieteikties aicināti Latvijas fotogrāfi un mākslinieki, kas izmanto fotogrāfiju. Pieteikšanas termiņš: 31. marts.

ISSP 2016 - dates

Dear all, we are preparing some nice surprises for the next edition of the summer school. The ISSP 2016 will take place in Pelči, Kuldīga on 6 - 14 August! We will announce applications in March, please stay tuned!

ISSP 2015 Short Movie

Sweet bits of summer for you to enjoy during the cold winter - flashbacks from ISSP 2015 are here! The beautiful video was filmed and edited by Katrina Sauskina.

Flâneur Residency in Riga

We are pleased to announce the Flâneur Residency in Riga - two places for European photographers/ artists working with photography will be available in April - May 2016! Applications are open until 3 January!

ISSP 2015 final works online

We are happy to present the final works produced by the ISSP 2015 participants this August in Kuldīga - photography series, books and videoworks from 73 participants and 9 youngsters from Kuldīga district! See the complete collection at the Final works galleries on this website and in vimeo!