Theo Elias / Hiro Tanaka artist talk

Trešdien, 6. jūnijā, plkst. 18:00 ISSP Galerijas telpās notiks ISSP Rīgas Rezidences mākslinieku Teo Eliasa (Theo Elias, Zviedrija) un Hiro Tanakas (Hiro Tanaka, Japāna) autorvakars.

 ISSP is happy to host an artist talk by ISSP Riga Residency artists Theo Elias (Sweden) and Hiro Tanaka (Japan) on Wednesday 6th of June 6PM at the ISSP Gallery.

ISSP Skolas absolventu 2018 izstāde TAPT PĀRTAPT

30. maijā plkst. 19.00 aicinām uz ISSP Skolas 2018. g. absolventu izstādes "Tapt pārtapt" atklāšanu! Izstāde ir šā gada Rīgas Fotomēneša notikums un līdz 22. jūnijam būs apskatāma jaunajā radošajā kvartālā Tallinas ielā 6.  

Autori: Annemarija Gulbe, Elizabete Džeina Rubene, Elīna Semane, Mareks Gaidamovičs, Matīss Galzons, Tīna Zariņa, Viktorija Halilova.

ISSP 2018 - selected participants

We are happy to announce the list of selected participants for ISSP 2018 - an impressive group of emerging photographers and curators from over 30 countries of the world! We are super grateful to our evaluation experts - Paola Paleari (YET Magazine), Katherine Oktober Matthews (GUP Magazine), Lisa Premiyak (The Calvert Journal) and Louise Clemens (Format Festival) for helping us in the tough task of choosing amongst almost 200 high quality applications! Looking forward for confirmations and for seeing you in Latvia this summer! 

Self Publish Riga 2018 winners announced!

We're excited to announce the winners of the Self Publish Riga 2018 dummy contest! First prize goes to "Daffodil" by Bahadir Aksan (Turkey), a Jury Special Mention to "Y Minsk" by Alexey Naumchik (Belarus) and the prize for best Baltic dummy goes to "Olga" by Zanda Puče (Latvia).

SELF PUBLISH RIGA talks & presentations

SELF PUBLISH RIGA publiskās lekcijas un prezentācijas notiks 12. maijā no 12.00-18.00 ISSP Galerijā. Dalībnieki: Liza Šteina, Anne Golaza, Antuāns Žakū, Dīters Noiberts,  Valentina Abenavoli, Alekss Bočeto, Huanans Rekena.

SELF PUBLISH RIGA talks & presentations will take place May 12 12.00-18.00, ISSP Gallery. Participants: Lisa Stein (UK), Anne Golaz (FI/CH) & Antoine Jaccoud (CH), Dieter Neubert (DE), Alex Bocchetto and Valentina Abenavoli, Akina Books (IT), Juanan Requena (ES).

Self Publish Riga 2018

No 10. maija līdz 3. jūnijam ISSP Galerijā notiks SELF PUBLISH RIGA - izstāde, lekcijas un prezentācijas, veltītas fotogrāmatām un pašizdošanaI fotogrāfijā un vizuālajā mākslā, viens no galvenajiem Rīgas Fotomēneša notikumiem, ko jau ceturto reizi rīko ISSP.

From May 10 till June 3 ISSP Gallery will host SELF PUBLISH RIGA - an exhibition, public lectures and presentations, dedicated to photobooks and self-publishing, organised by ISSP as part of Riga Photomonth.

Venēcijas arhitektūras biennāles kuratoru stāstījums ISSP Galerijā

25. aprīlī, plkst 18.30 ISSP Galerija un "Together and Apart" kuratoru komanda aicina uz sarunu vakaru. Latvijas paviljona Venēcijas arhitektūras biennālē kuratoru stāstījums “Daudzdzīvokļu nami Latvijas ainavā” sniegs ieskatu izstādes gatavošanas procesā un pievērsīsies fotogrāfijas nozīmei tajā. Latvijas paviljonam Venēcijā fotogrāfiju sērijas ar daudzdzīvokļu namiem veidojuši Ieva Raudsepa un Reinis Hofmanis. 

ISSP Riga Residency 2018 - selected artists

We received nearly 80 applications for the ISSP Riga Residency 2018 and are happy to announce that the artists selected for the programme are Kenneth Bamberg (Åland Islands/Finland), Theo Elias (Sweden), Josefina Malmegård (Sweden), Bjargey Ólafsdóttir (Iceland), Maija Annikki Savolainen (Finland), Tekla Inari (Finland) and Hiro Tanaka (Japan). Five artists from the Nordic region will receive financial support from Nordic Culture Point. We are excited to welcome them to Riga this year!

ISSP 2018 applications closed - applications to curators' workshop accepted till 15 April

Dear all, the applications to ISSP 2018 are now officially closed, the only exception being a special workshop for curators "Curating Photography: A Laboratory of Ideas, Projects and Practices" by Natasha Christia - applications for this workshop are still accepted until 15 April 2018! We received over 190 applications for the ISSP 2018, to be evaluated by our dear partners from Calvert Magazine, YET and GUP Magazines and Format photography festival - very excited!

SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2018 - submit your photobook dummy!

We are happy to announce the third edition of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest! Exciting news – this year we have teamed up with Kaunas Photography Gallery, printing house KOPA and Antalis LT &Antalis LV to publish the winning dummy! Additionally, the author of the best dummy from the Baltic states will be awarded a free place at the International Summer School of Photography 2018 at workshop of their choice. Send us your dummy by 30 April, and take part in one of the central events of the Riga Photomonth 2018!

Alexander Gronsky & Ksenia Babushkina - Schema

No 28. marta līdz 5. maijam jaunatvērtajā ISSP Galerijā būs aplūkojama Aleksandra Gronska un Ksenijas Babuškinas izstāde "Shēma".

From March 28 till May 5 the exhibition by Alexander Gronsky & Ksenia Babushkina "Schema" will be on display at the new ISSP Gallery.