:: LV ::

No 1. jūnija līdz 1. jūlijam ISSP Galerijā būs skatāma SELF PUBLISH RIGA izstāde – viens no galvenajiem Rīgas Fotomēneša notikumiem, kas veltīts fotogrāmatām un pašizdošanai.

SELF PUBLISH RIGA izstāde ISSP Galerijā šogad būs veltīta pasaules apceļošanai ar grāmatu palīdzību laikā, kad ceļošanas iespējas kļuvušas ierobežotas. Izstādē būs apskatāmas ap 150 grāmatas – pasaulē nozīmīgākajam fotogrāmatu konkursam "Paris Photo – Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards" pagājušā gadā nominētās grāmatas, kūrētas fotogrāmatu izlases no "Africa in the Photobook", "Nordic Dummy Award" kolekcijām, Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas fotogrāmatu kolekcijas, labākie SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 konkursam iesūtītie fotogrāmatu maketi un Annas Volkovas un Alekseja Muraško īpaši šai izstādei veidotā instalācija “Stikla Strenči dažos vārdos”.
Izstādes laikā tiks izziņoti arī šī gada SELF PUBLISH RIGA grāmatu maketa konkursa uzvarētāji.
SELF PUBLISH RIGA kopš 2014. gada organizē biedrība ISSP, programmas kuratore – Evita Goze.

Partneri un atbalstītāji: Rīgas Fotomēnesis, VKKF, Rīgas dome, FineArtPrint, ASV vēstniecība Latvijā, SIA Krāsu serviss

Vairāk informācijas: https://issp.lv/en/gallery/self-publish-riga-2021-1

:: ENG ::

We are excited to announce that from June 1 until July 1 the ISSP Gallery will host the SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 exhibition, dedicated to photobooks and self-publishing, one of the main events of Riga Photomonth.

The 2021 edition will be dedicated to travelling the world through books (in times when the freedom of travelling has been limited) and will feature around 150 photobooks: the 2020 Paris Photo – Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards, Africa in the Photobook (curated by Ben Krewinkel), Nordic Dummy Award (curated by Antonio Cataldo and Adrià Julià) and Latvian (curated by Evita Goze), Lithuanian (curated by Paul Paper), Estonian (curated by Kulla Laas) photobooks, best photobook dummies submitted to the SELF PUBLISH RIGA open call and the installation Glass Strenči in a few words by Anna Volkova and Aleksejs Muraško.
SELF PUBLISH RIGA is organised by ISSP since 2014, programme curator – Evita Goze.
During the exhibition, we will announce the winners of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 open call.

Partners & supporters: Riga Photomonth, KKF, Riga City Council, FineArtPrint, Embassy of the United States of America, SIA Krāsu serviss

More info: https://issp.lv/en/gallery/self-publish-riga-2021-1

ISSP 2011 Gala exhibition in Riga

Dear friends, our yearly happening is approaching - the opening of the ISSP Exhibition in Riga! 
Traditionally, a selection of ISSP final works will be exhibited at Goethe Institute. The Opening event is on Thursday, 20 October at 18:30. We will also be presenting the ISSP 2011 catalogue and releasing a short ISSP 2011 documentary by Ģirts Raģelis. All the ISSP students, friends and family are welcome! 

Izstāde "Kuldīgas stāsti" Kalnciema kvartālā

No 25. augusta līdz 24. septembrim Rīgā, Kalnciema kvartālā apskatāmi darbi, kas radās žurnāla National Geographic redaktoru vadītās meistardarbnīcas "Dokumentālā foto-eseja: stāsti no Kuldīgas" laikā šī gada 27.-29. maijā, Kuldīgā.

Art is Risk Made Visible

Otrdien, 16. augustā, plkst.19.00, jaunajā ¼ Satori radošajā telpā Berga bazārā ar publisku lekciju uzstāsies vairāku starptautisko balvu laureāts, fotogrāfs, rakstnieks, kurators un pedagogs Arno Rafaēls Minkinens (Arno Rafael Minkkinen).

ISSP 2011 evening programme

The ISSP 2011 Evening programme will present exciting series of presentations and talks by teachers and guests - every evening 20:00, starting from 7 August till ISSP Exhibition Opening on 13th August. The evening talks are open to visitors free of charge - all lovers of photography are welcome.

Public lecture "The Photography of National Geographic Magazine"

An opportunity to learn about the photography of the National Geographic Magazine directly from its chief staff experts - Senior photo-editor Sarah Leen and Creative director Bill Marr. The lecture - presentation is open for all interested. 30 May 2011, at 19:00 at kim?

Aktuāli: ISSP BW lab

ISSP invites all interested in Black and White analogue process and looking for lab facilities to become 2011 members of our BW Lab in Andrejsala (Riga). Lab members can use fully equipped ISSP BW lab for a year - pretty much without any time limits. Full info in Latvian below. For more info, please call Arnis :)

ISSP Exhibition “Reference point” in Riga

A short video-documentation of ISSP 2010 exhibition “Reference Point” currently on show at Goethe Institute in Riga is available on vimeo! For those who still have not seen it, the exhibition  will be on show till January 30.

And, btw, as of January 2011 the ISSP 2010 catalogues and the complete collection of 2006 - 2010 catalogues can be purchased at the Latvian Museum of Photography (you can also take a look at them for free at kim? reading room, Satori, META cafe, Istaba and couple of other places).