Iznācis 2016 plānotājs / 2016 Weekly Planner

Prieka ziņa un labākā dāvana fotomīļiem - ir iznācis 2016.gada plānotājs ar ISSP 2015 dalībnieku fotogrāfijām! 
The beautul 2016 Weekly Planner with the photographs of the ISSP 2015 participants is now out and available for orders! 

ISSP 2019 publication - "Photography and the World"

Created and launched in July during the ISSP 2019 in Zaļenieki, Latvia, this new publication draws together the content of the first thematic edition of the International Summer School of Photography, "Photography and the World", including the plentiful questions raised by the ISSP participants, tutors and guests, as well as some passionate attempts to look for the answers. Editorial team: Katherine Oktober Matthews (NL), Helen Korpak (FI), Nico Baumgarten (DE), Nicolas Polli (CH), Demelza Watts (UK), with contributions by the ISSP participants, tutors and guests.

The publication is now available as a free open source download as well as a very limited number of print copies.

Applications open for ISSP 2019 - Photography & the World

Dear friends, applications for the first thematic edition of the International Summer School of Photography - "Photography and the World" are now open! ISSP 2019 will take place at Zaļenieki Manor, Latvia, from 12 - 20 July 2019. Through six workshops and interventions by invited experts, the summer school will explore various ways photography and art can contribute to the world today. Applications are open till 10 April! 

ISSP 2019 - first thematic edition!

Dear friends, happy and successful New Year to everyone! We are very excited to announce that in 2019 the International Summer School of Photography will be moving to a new location and introducing its first thematic edition - Photography and the World. Mark the dates : 12 - 20 July 2019. The call for applications will be announced in February 2019! 

ISSP 2018 - Evening programme

We are back to Kuldīga this year with the International Summer School of Photography! From 29 July - 3 August a series of talks and presentations by the ISSP masters, guests and participants is open for visitors at the campus in Pelči. The final exhibition and outdoor screening in Kuldīga will take place on 4th August. All photography and visual art lovers are welcome! 

ISSP 2018 - selected participants

We are happy to announce the list of selected participants for ISSP 2018 - an impressive group of emerging photographers and curators from over 30 countries of the world! We are super grateful to our evaluation experts - Paola Paleari (YET Magazine), Katherine Oktober Matthews (GUP Magazine), Lisa Premiyak (The Calvert Journal) and Louise Clemens (Format Festival) for helping us in the tough task of choosing amongst almost 200 high quality applications! Looking forward for confirmations and for seeing you in Latvia this summer! 

ISSP 2018 applications closed - applications to curators' workshop accepted till 15 April

Dear all, the applications to ISSP 2018 are now officially closed, the only exception being a special workshop for curators "Curating Photography: A Laboratory of Ideas, Projects and Practices" by Natasha Christia - applications for this workshop are still accepted until 15 April 2018! We received over 190 applications for the ISSP 2018, to be evaluated by our dear partners from Calvert Magazine, YET and GUP Magazines and Format photography festival - very excited!

Call for Applications - International Summer School of Photography 2018

After a year-long creative break, we are happy to announce the call for applications for the International Summer School of Photography 2018! Coming back with fresh shifts in the programme, ISSP 2018 will feature cutting edge workshops with Jason Fulford, Lisa Barnard, Salvatore Vitale & Sarker Protick, Yumi Goto & Jan Rosseel, a special laboratory for photography curators with Natasha Christia, and a brand new on-campus ISSP Residency! ISSP will take place 28 July – 5 August 2018 in Kuldīga. Applications open till 30 March! 

International Summer School of Photography 2017

Our new year begins with a bittersweet announcement - the International Summer School of Photography will not be taking place in 2017. Due to major renovation work at our base, Pelči Castle, the ISSP team is taking the opportunity to recharge, regroup and focus on other ISSP projects. We will be back in 2018, energised and bursting with fresh ideas!

Meanwhile, we hope to see you at festivals throughout Europe, and do keep an eye out for ISSP International Masterclass applications opening in autumn!

ISSP 2016 Artist Talks in Riga: Paolo Woods, Federico Clavarino

As part of the broader International Summer School of Photography 2016 programme, we invite you to the artist talks of two photographers - ISSP 2016 masters - Paolo Woods and Federico Clavarino in Riga. The event will take place August 16, 18.00, at the co-working space The Mill, Brīvības iela 33, free entry.

Otrdien, 16. augustā, plkst. 18.00 aicinām uz pazīstamo fotogrāfu Paolo Vudsa un Federiko Klavarino publiskām lekcijām - darbu prezentācijām. Vudss un Klavarino Latvijā viesojās, lai pasniegtu meistarklases vienpadsmitajā Starptautiskajā fotogrāfijas vasaras skolā (ISSP). Lekcijas notiks koprades The Mill, Brīvības iela 33, ieeja bez maksas.

ISSP 2016 Exhibition in Kuldīga

We cordially invite you to the ISSP 2016 exhibition in Kuldīga featuring the works of 74 photographers from 25 countries and 8 Pelči village inhabitants, all created during the International Summer School of Photography 2016. Opening - Saturday, 13 August, 19.30!

Esiet mīļi gaidīti uz ISSP 2016 gala darbu izstādi, kurā būs redzami šā gada Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas dalībnieku, 74 fotogrāfu no 25 valstīm un 8 Pelču vietējo iedzīvotāju darbi - fotogrāfijas, video, instalācijas un skulptūras, kas tapušas septiņu tematisku darbnīcu ietvaros. Atklāšana - sestdien, 13. augustā plkst. 19.30!