2 places: photographers/ artists working with photography
3-4 weeks: April – May 2016 | Riga, Latvia
Application deadline: 3 January 2016
Inspired by the idea of “flâneurism” - seemingly aimless wanderings around the city - the residency is designed for photography artists interested in developing work in and around urban space. The influential 20th century philosopher Walter Benjamin wrote that for a flâneur “the walls are the desk against which he presses his notebooks; news-stands are his libraries and the terraces are the balconies from which he looks down on his household after his work is done”. We’re searching for photographers with an original perspective on present day city-dwelling.
Referring to the idea of a flâneur being closely linked to the life and work of the French poet Charles Baudelaire, we see the residency as an opportunity for the art of imagery and literature to come together. Thus, during the residency the selected photography artists will have an opportunity to collaborate with the excellent Orbita creative collective of poets and artists.
The artists in residency are expected to participate in a public event or pop-up exhibition at the end of their stay, presenting the work created during their time in Riga. The event will be part of the oficial Riga Photomonth 2016 programme and will be organised in cooperation with Orbita.
Photographers and artists working with photography with an European Union nationality. There are no limitations regarding age, background and photographic style. The residents matching the criteria will be chosen based on the strength of their applications.
Resident support and costs
The residency will host two photography artists in Riga for a three to four week stay, starting in the second half of April 2016. The artists will receive a stipend of 1000 EUR to support their practice and subsistence costs during the residency. Their return ticket to Riga and accomodation will also be covered.
Residents’ obligations
- The residents will participate in the public presentation/pop-up exhibition of their work in Riga (3rd week of May 2016, date tbc). - The residents will grant the organizers the right to publish the resulting work for non-profit publicity purposes.
To apply Applications are now closed. Applicants will be notified of the selection results by mid-January.
With any questions about the residency programme, please contact: ieva@issp.lv
Human Baltic is the first-ever joint Baltic art project in Japan. It presents more than 200 photographs by 17 authors of the golden age humanist photography of 1960-1990 and The Baltic Way in one of the most prestigious galleries of Tokyo - Spiral Garden.
We are happy to announce the five artists we invited to join the FUTURES platform this year – Agate Tūna (LV), Gedvile Tamosiunaite (LT), Katya Lesiv (UA), Klaus Leo Richter (AT/LT), Ruudu Ulas (EE). Their projects mirror the concerns and reflections of a context of wars and the rise of digital realities. We believe these five artists will contribute to the FUTURES artistic community with the diversity of their approaches, demonstrating the role of the artist in a changing and challenging world.
"Eyes on Main Street" sadarbībā ar ISSP piedāvā iespēju vienam Latvijas fotogrāfam pavadīt novembra mēnesi "Eyes on Main Street" mākslinieku rezidencē Vilsonā, Ziemeļkarolīnā.
Rezidencei ir aicināti pieteikties fotogrāfi ar spēcīgu interesi un personīgu rokrakstu dokumentālajā un ielas fotogrāfijā.
We invite applications for our Riga Residency for the period December 2021 (1 spot) and January - June 2022!
The ISSP Residency is aimed at photographers, artists, curators working with photography and provides an opportunity for concentrated work on a personal project in Riga and its surroundings. The duration of the stay is 1-3 months, longer stays are preferred.
More information and applications HERE. Deadline for applications - October 24.
Kopā ar Totaldobže Mākslas centru Viskaļu ielā 36 esam atklājuši ISSP Rīgas rezidences mākslinieka, itāļu fotogrāfa Leonardo Taddei izstādi "Tur", kas būs apskatāma līdz 24. oktobrim. Itālijas un Latvijas laukos tapušais fotoprojekts atklāj jūtīgu skatījumu uz cilvēka un dabas attiecībām un to, kādas mēs tās iztēlojamies.
Until 24 October, in cooperation with Totaldobže and Free Riga, we are happy to present the exhibition “There, There” by our current artist-in-residence Leonardo Taddei (IT). Leonardo’s project is a sensitive exploration of the human relationship with nature, or our way of imagining it.
On April 21, 18.30 we start a series of lectures on art and activism with an online talk by the 'magician of rebellion', co-founder of Reclaim The Streets movement J. Jordan (FR) - "In-between Everything: art and activism, nature and culture, male and female – a non-binary guide to creative rebellion”.
21. aprīlī plkst. 18.30 aicinām uz 'dumpju burvja', Reclaim the Streets kustības līdzdibinātāja J. Jordana tiešsaistes lekciju “Visam pa vidu: māksla un aktīvisms, daba un kultūra, vīrišķais un sievišķais – radošas sacelšanās nebinārās vadlīnijas”.
ISSP continues to offer international mobility opportunities for artists even in the times of Covid-19 – the ISSP Riga Residency is open for applications for the period July – December 2021! The Residency provides an opportunity for concentrated work on a personal project informed by interaction with Riga and its residents or much needed time to rethink and complete ongoing work. We welcome photographers, artists and curators interested in exploring the local social and cultural context. Longer stays of 2 - 3 months are recommended for 2021. Application deadline – April 25 (deadline extended to May 4, 2021)
More about the residency and applications HERE.
Trešdien, 10. oktobrī, plkst. 18.30 ISSP telpās notiks tikšanās ar ISSP Rīgas rezidences mākslinieku Tibo Hencu un kuratoru Deividu Ešliju Kerru. Interesentiem būs iespēja uzzināt par viņu radošo sadarbību, Tibo līdzšinējo darbību, kā arī Rīgā topošajiem projektiem.
On Wednesday, October 28 at 6.30 PM a meeting with ISSP Riga Residency artist Thibaut Henz and his friend, colleague and curator David Ashley Kerr will take place at the ISSP. The attendees will have a chance to hear about Thibaut’s previous work, as well as projects he is now working on in Riga.
Trešdien, 30. septembrī, plkst. 18.30 ISSP telpās notiks pasākums “Ko iesākt ar romantiķiem?” – ISSP Rīgas rezidences mākslinieka un fotogrāfijas pasniedzēja Tima Salivana lekcija un pārdomas par fotogrāfijas lasīšanu un romantisma mantojuma noderīgumu mūsdienu attēlu veidotājiem.
On Wednesday, September 30, at 6.30 PM an event “What to do with the Romantics?” – a talk about the usefulness of Romanticism for the present-day image-makers and a meeting with ISSP Riga Residency artist and lecturer Tim Sullivan (UK) – will take place at the ISSP.
The ISSP and kuš! komikss Riga Residency has been disrupted by the virus and is now on a standby mode. Meanwhile, our beautiful residency apartment in the centre of Riga yearns for creative minds to occupy it. As the Baltic countries have formed their own “little Schengen", we invite artists from Estonia and Lithuania to stay at the Residency this summer! Application deadline: June 10 (if you’d like to stay in June, please contact us ASAP!)
More about the residency and applications HERE.
27. maijā, plkst. 18.30 tiešsaistē notiks tikšanās ar ISSP Rīgas rezidences mākslinieci Ronitu Poratu (Izraēla), kura strādā ar dažādiem fotoarhīviem, sasaistot tos ar vēsturiskiem naratīviem un ar pašas biogrāfiju.
On May 27 at 6.30 PM ISSP is inviting to join an artist talk by ISSP Riga Residency artist Ronit Porat (Israel), who has been working with various photographic archives, linking those to historical narratives and her personal biography.
Trešdien, 25. martā, plkst. 18.30 tiešsaistē notiks tikšanās ar šībrīža ISSP Rīgas rezidences māksliniekiem – fotogrāfiem Alanu Haku (Alan Huck, ASV) un Titusu Šabelski (Tytus Szabelski, Polija). Interesentiem būs iespēja uzzināt par viņu līdzšinējo radošo darbību, kā arī par Rīgā uzsāktajiem projektiem.
On Wednesday, March 25 at 6.30 PM an online meeting with ISSP Riga Residency artists Alan Huck (USA) and Tytus Szabelski (Poland). The attendees will have a chance to hear about their previous work, as well as projects they were about to develop in Riga.