European Borderlines - project results
The multimedia of the European Borderlines project results is finally online - take a look at the work of 12 photographers from Latvia, Turkey, Iceland and Portugal!
The multimedia of the European Borderlines project results is finally online - take a look at the work of 12 photographers from Latvia, Turkey, Iceland and Portugal!
23. un 24. martā projekta "Rīgas paš/portreti" ietvaros Bolderājā notiks radoša darbnīca "Pašportreti un ģimenes foto-arhīvs" ar mākslinieci un pedagoģi Eva Voutsaki (Grieķija/ Lielbritānija). Aicinām piedalīties Bolderājas iedzīvotājus vecumā 50+!
No šī gada 14. maija līdz 2. jūnijam, pirmo reizi kopš 1991. gada, "World Press Photo" izstāde būs apskatāma arī Rīgā, Sv. Pētera baznīcā. / The World Press Photo exhibition is visiting Riga for the first time since 1991. See it from May 14 - June 2 at St. Peter's Church.
Happy New year everyone! We are glad to inform that ISSP 2013 will take place on 3-11 August in Kuldīga. The call for applications will be open from the end of March until the beginning of May 2013. More information to come, stay tuned!
Dear friends, we are very happy that the online purchase system for ISSP publications is finally up and running! Starting from today, you can order the 2013 Planner as well as all other ISSP publications online at our website. Its easy: order through this site, pay by PayPal and the postman will bring it directly to your door!
The results of an international project EINLab: Interact! are now available in a beautiful online magazine - see the works of 16 young photographers from Poland, Latvia, Slovenia and Germany done at a 3-week residency in Berlin. Featured young talents from Latvia: Ieva Raudsepa, Agnese Mūrnice, Līga Spunde and Una Stade.
Dārgie draugi! Priecājamies, ka ilgi lolotā ideja īstenojusies un ISSP katalogs ir pārtapis par skaistu iknedēļas dizaina Plānotāju! Jauna izdevuma prezentācija 14.novembrī plkst 19:00 Birojnīcā! / We are very happy that our long-term idea has come to life - the presentation of the new 2013 Weekly Planner will take place on 14 November in Birojnīca!
News from sunny Istanbul: the complete collection of books and videos created within the Middle Town project will be featured at DEPO Istanbul from 2 to 4 November 2012!
Piektdien, 2.novembrī aicinām uz tikšanos ar autoru Fotogrāfijas muzejā: vācu fotogrāfe Sibylle Fendt stāstīs par "Gertneru ceļojumu“ un citām savām dokumentālo portretu sērijām!
We are starting a new long-term project Contemporary Self Portraits and Portaits. For two years, a extensive collection of self-portraits and portraits of the inhabitants of Riga will be developed in cooperation with local and foreign artists; the results presented to the public in an exhibition in 2014!
20.oktobrī plkst 16:00 aicinām uz norveģu fotogrāfa Mortena Andersena darbu prezentāciju, kas sniegs ieskatu mākslinieka autor projektos un mākslas un fotogrāfijas pasaulē aktuālajā neatkarīgās izdevējdarbības (self-publishing) kustībā.