Paul Hansen in Riga

Just before his talk at Splendid Palace in Riga, Paul Hansen, the winner of the World Press Photo of the Year 2012, speaks about the mission of the press photographer and what comes first.

World Press Photo izstāde atklāta!

World Press Photo izstāde Rīgā ir atklāta un gaida apmeklētājus Sv. Pētera baznīcā līdz 2.jūnijam! 
Te neliels aizkulišu video no izstādes tapšanas svētdienas naktī:

ISSP applications closed

Dear all, the ISSP 2013 application process is successfully closed - we have received 254 applications from over 40 countries, thank you all! The ISSP International Jury - photographers Alnis Stakle (LV) and Alexander Gronsky (RU/LV), and Chief Editor of GUP Magazine Erik Vroons (NL) - start to work this week. The results of the selection process will be known by the end of May. 

Jaunums -!

Kamēr Amsterdamā svin pirmās World Press Photo 2013 izstādes atklāšanu, līdz WPP atklāšanai Rīgā paliek tikai 2 nedēļas! Izstādes ietvaros Rīgā viesosies WPP Gada fotogrāfijas balvas iegūvējs Pols Hansens un citi izcili fotožurnālisti. No šodienas darbojās jaunā Rīgas izstādes mājaslapa!

Applications for Jan Grarup masterclass

We are pleased to invite applications for the masterclass by Jan Grarup "Keep it simple: the Essence of Photojournalism" on 24-26 May 2013. A photojournalist with over 20 years experience from the world's gravest conflict zones, Jan won his eighth World Press Photo award this year and will be in Riga as part of the World Press Photo exhibition education programme. Applications accepted till 10th May!

ISSP 2012 flashbacks

While the ISSP 2013 is in preparation, here are some flashbacks from the fabulous 2012 edition! Big thanks for all involved!