ISSP turns 10
Ladies and gentlemen, association ISSP has just turned 10 years old! // Biedrībai ISSP ir 10 gadu!
Ladies and gentlemen, association ISSP has just turned 10 years old! // Biedrībai ISSP ir 10 gadu!
In cooperation with SSE Riga Centre for Media Studies, we are happy to invite Baltic photojournalists and documentary makers to apply for a free 3-day workshop with Arnold van Bruggen and Anoek Steketee "Long-term Documentary Projects: how to make an impact, find an audience and get the best results"! Application deadline already next week!
No 29. aprīlim - 4.maijam ISSP Skolas programmas ietvaros Rīgā notiks grāmatu veidošanas darbnīca ar Nico Baumgarten - vienreizēja iespēja uztaisīt savu fotogrāmatu! Darbnīcā ir dažas brīvas vietas, interesentus aicinām pieteikties līdz 10.aprīlim!
Some free places at a great photobook making workshop with Nico Baumgarten from 29 April till 4 May in Riga! Applications accepted by 10 April!
The final exhibition of the ISSP International Masterclass 2015/2016 is open in Kuldīga until 14 April! Projects created by 21 photographers from 12 countries working under year-long supervision by masterclass mentors Aaron Schuman, Andrei Polikanov and Yuri Kozyrev.
Next week we are in Kuldīga, for the concluding sesion of the ISSP International Masterclass 2015/2016. We invite the interested public to join us for the lectures of the visiting experts on 16 and 17 March, and for the Opening of the participants' final works Exhibition on 19 March!
Nākošnedēļ laipni lūgti pievienoties mums Kuldīgā uz vakaru lekcijām un izstādes atklāšanu!
We are pleased to announce the call for applications for Kuldīga Photography Residency 2016 - 3 places available for this August for two international aritsts and one artist from Latvia! Applications are invited until 15 April!
Priecājamies izsludināt Kuldīgas Fotogrāfijas rezidenci 2016 - pieteikumus gaidām līdz 15.aprīlim!
Priecājamies izziņot pieteikšanos rezidencei Kairā, Ēģiptē, starptautiskā projekta Alternative Storytelling ietvaros! Pieteikties aicināti Latvijas fotogrāfi un mākslinieki, kas izmanto fotogrāfiju. Pieteikšanas termiņš: 31. marts.
We are announcing applications for the workshop Words and Pictures - Pictures and Words with Gordon MacDonald (GOST Books) that will take place on 8-11 May as part of SELF PUBLISH RIGA during Riga Photomonth! Photographers and visual artists working with text are welcome to apply by 20 March!
Dear all, we are preparing some nice surprises for the next edition of the summer school. The ISSP 2016 will take place in Pelči, Kuldīga on 6 - 14 August! We will announce applications in March, please stay tuned!
We are happy to announce the second edition of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest! Send us your dummy by 30 April, and take part in one of the central events of the Riga Photomonth 2016!
Aicinām uz katalāņu fotogrāfa Viktora Enriha atvērto lekciju ISSP Skolā pirmdien, 8. februārī, plkst. 18.30! A Catalan visul artist Victor Enrich will give an artist talk at the ISSP School on Monday, 8 February at 18.30 - welcome!
We received close to 200 applications for the Flâneur Photography Residency in Riga, and are very happy to announce the two artists chosen for the programme - Alex F. Webb (UK) and Diana Artus (Germany). We are looking forward to welcoming them in Riga this Spring!