Artist talk :: Martin Kollar

Piektdien, 17. maijā, plkst 15.00 aicinām uz tikšanos ar slovāku fotogrāfu Martinu Kollaru, kurā viņš pastāstīs vairāk par izstādi "Ekskursija", kas apskatāma ISSP Galerijā līdz 15. jūnijam, un citiem saviem darbiem.

On 17 May at 3pm ISSP is hosting an artist talk by Slovak photographer Martin Kollar, whose exhibition "Field Trip" is on view at the ISSP Gallery until 15 June.

ISSP Masterclass 2018/2019 - results

We are happy to present the results of the recently completed ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019! 22 artists and photographers from 15 countries spent a year working on their personal projects under the guidance of experienced mentors. The work was created under two thematic lines - "A Sense of Change", mentored by Peter Bialobrzeski, exploring how changes in the physical, political or psychological landscape can be represented in contemporary photographic practice, and "Answering Questions & Questioning Answers", mentored by Clare Strand and Gordon MacDonald, an experimental class centered on translating ideas into visual language. See the complete collection of the resulting projects online! 

Martin Kollar - Field Trip

No 17. maija līdz 15. jūnijam ISSP Galerijā skatāma slovāku fotogrāfa Martina Kollara izstāde “Ekskursija” (Field trip), kas ir daļa no Rīgas Fotomēneša 2019 programmas. Kollars ilgstoši dzīvojis un strādājis Izraēlā, dokumentējot vienu no mūsdienu pasaules pretrunīgākajām ģeogrāfiskajām zonām. 

From May 17 to June 15 the ISSP Gallery is hosting the solo exhibition "Field Trip" by Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar, part of the Riga Photomonth 2019 programme. Kollar has spent extended periods of time in Israel, building a photographic dossier on one of the most contentious geographical zones of modern history.  

ISSP 2019 - selected participants

We are delighted to announce the list of selected participants for the International Summer School of Photography 2019 - "Photography and the World" - an impressive group of 73 photographers, artists and visual activists from over 30 countries. The applications have been evaluated by our Expert Jury - Elena Vaninetti (YET Magazine), Krzysztof Candrowicz (Lodz Fotofestiwal), Agata Bar (Noor Images) and Erik Vroons (GUP Magazine). Can't wait to meet everyone in Latvia in July!

Photographers on the Art Market

Pirmdien, 29. aprīlī, plkst. 18.30 aicinām uz poļu kuratores, lektores un mākslas pasākumu organizētājas Kataržinas Sagatovskas lekciju "Fotogrāfi mākslas tirgū", kas ir Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles - NEXT 2019 notikums.

On Monday, 29th of April 6.30 PM, ISSP will host a lecture by Polish curator, lecturer and organiser of art events Katarzyna Sagatowska "Photographers on the Art Market", part of Riga Photography Biennial - NEXT 2019.


Artist talk :: Sara Palmieri, Anna Hornik

Ceturtdien, 11. aprīlī, aicinām uz ISSP Rīgas Rezidences mākslinieču Sāras Palmjēri (Itālija) un Annas Hornikas (Polija) autorvakaru plkst. 18:30 ISSP telpā Berga Bazārā.

On Thursday, 11th of April 6:30 PM, we will host an artist talk by ISSP Riga Residency artists Sara Palmieri (IT) and Anna Hornik (PL) - welcome! 

Manifestations of (In)Activism in the Latest Baltic Art

Sestdien, 6. aprīlī, aicinām uz Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles - NEXT 2019 simpoziju "(Ne)Aktīvisma manifestācijas Baltijas jaunākajā mākslā", kas no plkst 11.20 līdz 17.00 notiks ISSP telpā Berga Bazārā.

On Saturday, 6th of April, from 11.20 AM to 5 PM ISSP will host the Riga Photography Biennial - NEXT 2019 symposium "Manifestations of (In)Activism in the Latest Baltic Art" - welcome! 

RFB balva "Meklējam jauno fotogrāfijā!"

No 5. marta līdz 8. maijam ISSP Galerijā skatāma Rīgas Fotogrāfijas biennāles - NEXT 2019 balvas "Meklējam jauno fotogrāfijā!" 2019 uzvarētājas Annijas Muižules izstāde “Priecīgi uzņēmēji izklaidējas birojā”. 

From March 5 to May 8, the ISSP Gallery is hosting the exhibition of the winner of Riga Photography Biennial Award 2019 "Seeking the Latest in Photography!" Annija Muižule "Joyful Businessmen Having Fun in the Office". 

ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 exhibition in Kuldīga

The final exhibition of the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 will open at Kuldīgas Mākslas nams 16 March 6 PM. Projects created by 22 photographers from 15 countries, mentored for a year by Gordon MacDonald & Clare Strand and Peter Bialobrzeski, will be on view until 7 April. 

Sestdien, 16. martā, plkst. 18.00 Kuldīgas Mākslas namā tiks atklāta ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases 2018/2019 noslēguma izstāde. Tajā līdz pat 7. aprīlim būs apskatāmas 22 meistarklases dalībnieku radītas fotogrāfiju sērijas, video darbi, grāmatas, keramikas skulptūras un citi objekti, tapuši gadu gara intensīva radoša procesa rezultātā.

Applications open for ISSP 2019 - Photography & the World

Dear friends, applications for the first thematic edition of the International Summer School of Photography - "Photography and the World" are now open! ISSP 2019 will take place at Zaļenieki Manor, Latvia, from 12 - 20 July 2019. Through six workshops and interventions by invited experts, the summer school will explore various ways photography and art can contribute to the world today. Applications are open till 10 April! 

ISSP Evening Programme in Kuldīga

ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases ietvaros aicinām apmeklēt atvērtās ekspertu vieslekcijas Kuldīgā no 12. līdz 14. martam! Sestdien, 16. martā, plkst. 18.00 priecāsimies visus redzēt meistarklases dalībnieku izstādes Kuldīgas Mākslas namā atklāšanā. Izstāde būs apskatāma līdz 7. aprīlim.

As part of the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 final session in Kuldīga, evening lectures by our visiting experts are open to visitors! On Saturday 16 March at 18.00 everyone is invited to the opening of the final Exhibition of the works created by the Masterclass participants and the guided tour by the authors! The exhibition will be open in Kuldīga until 7 April.


Looking for a writer-editor to join ISSP 2019 team

International Summer School of Photography 2019 is looking for a writer-editor to join our editorial super-team responsible for producing a special publication within the ISSP 2019 edition "Photography and the World" in Zaļenieki Castle, 12-20 July 2019.