FUTURES' newest Annual Publication, Trigger #5: Energy, is an exploration of that question – and broadly thematizes alternative approaches to energy through photography, the issue of society’s decarbonisation, the call for repair and collective values. The publication is available at the ISSP library.
Trigger #5: Energy brings to the surface some of the different histories and cultures of energy that are often invisible today. It explores new possibilities for imagining energy, through transitions and new vocabularies, and how photography can be involved in all of this. It is photography itself that shows us possible routes, beyond the human, to spiritual energies that can help us repair and heal and ultimately centre photography on non-extractive values and techniques. Trigger #5: Energy consists of thirteen contributions (essays, artist contributions, conversations) which engender possible ways photography might start to unlearn entrenched ideas and habits concerning the use and abuse of energy. Many contributions redirect our energies towards notions of female anger, spirituality, degrowth, justice, generosity, collectivity, and sensitivity.
Trigger #5: Energy is the FUTURES’ Annual Publication of 2023. FUTURES is a Europe-based photography platform bringing together the global photography community to support and nurture the professional development of emerging artists across the world. This publication is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.
Designed and published by FW:books, Trigger #5: Energy reflects the synergy of FUTURES members: FOMU (Antwerp), FOTODOK (Utrecht), PhotoIreland (Dublin), and Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (Budapest). The Publication is composed by the editorial board consisting of Julia Gelezova & Ángel Luis González Fernández, Emese Mucsi, Daria Tuminas, and Tom Viaene. FUTURES’ Annual Publication was realized with the collaboration of contributing artists and professionals from the FUTURES community: Eline Benjaminsen, Máté Dobokay, Tanja Engelberts, Tina Farifteh, Hiền Hoàng, Euridice Zaituna Kala, Yana Kononova, Sebastian Koudijzer, Sheng-Wen Lo, Yvette Monahan, Léonard Pongo.
We invite you to meet our artist-in-residence Kristine Mifsud (CA/LV) on October 2, at 7 PM at Bolderāja! Kristine will speak about the experimental analogue process she undertook during her residency, how she arrived at this project, her previous work, and the importance of experimentation and failure in art making. Welcome!
From October 4 to 6, the ISSP Gallery team will participate in the ArtVilnius’24 contemporary art fair with the exhibition ‘Marmoleum Real 2mm’ by Zane Priede!
ArtVilnius’24 presents exceptional works of art and promotes creativity, cultural dialogue, and international cooperation. The programme of the fair is complemented by an education programme of discussions, lectures, presentations of art publications, and excursions with art critics.
Together with the Riga Photography Biennial, ISSP Gallery announce an Open Call for the ‘Seeking the Latest in Photography!’ Award 2025! Until 6th October 2024, young artists from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are invited to submit their work. The winner of the award will be chosen by an international jury and will have an opportunity to hold a solo exhibition at the ISSP Gallery within the framework of the Riga Photography Biennial – NEXT 2025 program held in spring, 2025, where the awarding of other laureates will also take place.
We are excited to announce that you can meet us at the Foto Tallinn 2024 art fair this week!
Foto Tallinn is a biannual international photographic art fair that presents the latest contemporary photography selected by a professional jury and creates an opportunity for the art audience to see, buy, and collect fresh photographic art. For professionals in the field, Foto Tallinn offers a platform for collaboration and discussion, meetings with the art audience, and the presentation of their work to art enthusiasts.
This year ISSP Gallery will be presented by artists Kristīne Krauze-Slucka and Agate Tūna!
We invite image submissions for inclusion in the ISSP Agenda 2025! The ISSP Agenda 2025 will feature 30 original images selected via this open call. Our favourite daily companion, perfect for handwritten notes of all kinds, will traditionally combine the functions of a weekly planner, a bullet journal, and a notebook. Planned release - October 2024.
Aicinām pieteikties un apgūt fotogrāfiju ISSP Jauniešu skolā! Septembrī atsāksies ISSP Jauniešu skolas nodarbības, kurās pusaudžiem vecumā no 11 līdz 18 gadiem būs iespēja apgūt atttēla veidošanas prasmes, iemācīties vizuālo lasītprasmi un radoši izpausties fotogāfijas medijā!
Come to meet our current Artists in Residence - German-raised Vietnamese photographer Lê Quyên Nguyễn, Latvian-born UK photographer Agnese Gutovska, and an artist from Los Angelos Mike Saijo! They will be talking about their work, and we will open a pop-up exhibition delving into the realities of the Vietnamese diaspora in Riga by Lê Quyên Nguyễn!
No 23. augusta līdz 24. oktobrim ISSP Galerijā būs skatāma Zanes Priedes izstāde “Marmoleum Real 2mm”, kas balstīta autores personīgajā pieredzē, uzaugot 1990. gadu vidē un estētikā. Fotogrāfijās attēloti tam laikam raksturīgi priekšmeti un materialitāte, kas bieži vien simbolizē ilgas pēc labākas dzīves un atbrīvošanos no pelēcības, kas piemita padomijas gadiem. Ielūdzam uz izstādes atklāšanu 22. augustā plkst. 18.00!
We invite you to meet our current artist in residence, photographer Theo Elias on 25 July, 19.00 at Bolderāja! Theo will speak about his work, including the project he has been developing in Latvia since 2018 when he was the first artist to take part in the ISSP Riga residency.
We are pleased to invite you to a meeting with two visual artists and educators from Adelaide, South Australia - Amber Cronin and Tom Borgas on 15th July at 7 p.m.! You will have an opportunity to hear about their work as well as share a little about your artistic practice. The event will be held in English. Free entrance!
Ielūdzam uz kino vakaru 23. jūlijā plkst. 19.00 ISSP telpās kontekstā ar ISSP Galerijā skatāmo izstādi “Mūsdienu fotogrāfijas vēstures II” (autori: Annemarija Gulbe un Konstantīns Žukovs)! Izstādē māksliniece Annemarija Gulbe pētījusi fotogrāfa, operatora un režisora Ulda Brauna mantojumu – fotogrāfijā, kā arī viņa vienīgajā spēlfilmā “Motociklu vasara” (1975), veidojot savu refleksiju par to un aicinot atskatīties atpakaļskata spogulī.
Valmieras vasaras teātra festivāla nedēļā laikā no 31. jūlija līdz 4. augustam Valmieras pilsētas iedzīvotājiem un viesiem būs iespēja aplūkot ISSP veidoto vides objektu “Melnais kubs - Camera Obscura”. Tiks organizētas arī pavadošās radošās meistarklases, piedāvājot apmeklētājiem mūsdienīgu un unikālu kultūrizglītojošo pieredzi.