Páll Stefánsson: Landscape and Manscape
In cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia
Landscape and Manscape: The Edge of Riga
Masterclass with Páll Stefánsson (Iceland Review Magazine)
2 days | 20 – 21 April 2012 | Riga, Latvia. Applications accepted by 10 April.
The participants will be working together with Icelandic photographer Páll Stefánsson, Editor and Picture Editor of Iceland Review Magazine. Known for his large format landscapes of Iceland, his other documentary projects, like The Future of Footballand and his forthcoming book World’s Ten Most Polluted Places -have taken him around the globe. The masterclass will include an introduction to tutor’s work, a joint review of participants’ prior works and a one-day field trip with practical photography assignments and feedback given by the tutor. Visiting unique places at the edge of Riga - the Spilve Airfield, Daugavgrīva Fortress and Bolderāja area, the focus of the workshop will go beyond traditional landscape photography to ‘manscape’, exploring the relationship between manmade structures and nature, and their visual representation.
© Páll Stefánsson, Vatnjökull glacier, June 2011
For whom?
The masterclass is intended for photographers, students of photography and art, and advanced amateurs with interest in landscape photography as well as broader documentary.
The language of instruction is English. There will be a maximum of 15 participants in the workshop.
20 April
- 10:00 - 17:00 portfolio reviews and discussions at the Nordic Council of Ministers' office
- 18:00 public artist’s talk by Páll Stefánssonat K Suns cinema
21 April
- 08:00 - 17:00 joint field trip to Spilve Airfield, Daugavgrīva Fortress and Bolderāja
- 17:30 - 20:00 selection, editing and screening the photos at the Nordic Council of Ministers' office , feedback by the tutor
- 20:00 - … informal evening
Participants should bring:
1st day: portfolio of their prior works in landscape/documentary genres (max 30 images, digitally or in print, series/projects are welcome)
2nd day: digital cameras; laptop computer is desirable for selection and pre-editing of the results of the shooting.
Photographer Páll Stefánsson was born in Öxarfjördur, North Iceland, in 1958. He studied photography in Sweden from 1979 to 1982. He joined Iceland Review in Reykjavík,as photographer in 1982 and later moved on to become Picture Editor and now Editor of Iceland Review and Atlantica. Páll Stefánsson has published more than twenty books, the latest of which are Land (2000), 1881km (2001), PS Iceland (2006) and Africa, The Future of Football (2010). Books in progress are: The World’s Ten Most Polluted Places and a photo-book series about the Nordic countries, all done on large format film. Three television documentaries have been made about Stefánsson’s work, by SVT, Sweden, RÚV, Iceland and ZDF, Germany. He has made commercials and work for companies and organizations such as Leica, Hasselblad and Panasonic, IKEA, Volkswagen and UNESCO, which chose Páll Stefánsson as one of twenty photographers to document the World Heritage Sites. That project brought him to Timbuktu, Kyoto, Kiev, and Lima in Peru, to name just a few. Páll Stefánsson has had exhibitions on all continents except Antarctica. In New York City his show in the Natural History Museum in Manhattan attracted close to one million people, who came to see his gigantic panorama images from Iceland. He has also been published in many international publications, including Time, National Geographic, Newsweek, Geo, W, Sunday Times Magazine and the German edition of Vogue magazine.
Participation fee – 30 LVL
The fee includes organizational costs and bus transportation (does not include lunch) Tea/coffee and a glass of wine will be cordially provided by the Nordic Council of Ministers' office.
To apply, send a short information on your background and interests in photography and motivation for participation (max 1500 characters) to office@issp.lv, attaching a portfolio (or website) of 10-15 images in the genres of landscape/documentary photography. Please indicate "Application to Pall Stefansson masterclass" in the subject.
Qualified applications (passing basic selection criteria) will be accepted on first come – first get basis.
The application deadline is 10 April 2012.
Contact information: office@issp.lv, t. + 371 27842875, + 371 29711721
Sadarbībā ar Ziemeļu Ministru padomes biroju Latvijā
Landscape and manscape: Rīgas nomale
Meistarklase ar Pallu Stefansonu (Páll Stefánsson, Iceland Review magazine)
2 dienas | 2012. gada 20. – 21. aprīlī | Rīgā. Pieteikumi dalībai līdz 10.aprīlim.
Dalībnieki strādās kopā ar Islandes fotogrāfu, žurnāla Iceland Review redaktoru un attēlu redaktoru Pallu Stefansonu. Pazīstams ar savām lielformāta Islandes ainavām fotogrāfs ir apceļojis teju visu pasauli strādājot pie ilgtermiņa dokumentāliem projektiem- piemēram, “Futbola nākotne” (The Future of Football) un topošo grāmatu “Desmit pasaules vispiesārņotākās vietas” (World’s Ten Most Polluted Places).
2-dienu meistarklase Rīgā un Bolderājā iekļaus iepazīšanos ar pasniedzēja darbiem, tematisko dalībnieku portfolio apskati un vienas dienas izbraucienu ar praktiskiem fotogrāfijas uzdevumiem, kopīgo rezultātu izvērtējumu, un atsauksmēm no pasniedzēja. Meistarklase aptvers ne tikai tradicionālo ainavas fotogrāfiju, bet arī “manscape” (cilvēka veidota ainava), pētot attiecības starp dabu un cilvēka radītām struktūrām, un to vizuālo reprezentāciju.
Meistarklase ir paredzēta fotogrāfiem, fotogrāfijas un mākslas studentiem un augsta līmeņa amatieriem, kurus interesē ainavas fotogrāfija, kā arī dokumentālā fotogrāfija kopumā.
Darba valoda: angļu. Meistarklasē piedalīsies ne vairāk kā 15 dalībnieki.
Fotogrāfs Palls Stefansons ir dzimis Islandes ziemeļos 1958. gadā. Pēc fotogrāfijas studijām Zviedrijā viņš 1982. gadā pievienojās Iceland Review žurnālam kā fotogrāfs, vēlāk kļūstot arī par attēlu redaktoru un galveno redaktoru. Palls Stefansons ir izdevis vairāk nekā 20 grāmatas, kā arī veidojis reklāmas un komerciālus darbus tādām organizācijām kā Leica, Hasselblad, Panasonic, IKEA, Volkswagen un UNESCO, kas viņu izvēlējās par vienu no 20 fotogrāfiem, kas dokumentē pasaules vēsturiskā mantojuma vietas. Pallam Stefansonam ir bijušas izstādes visos pasaules kontinentos, izņemot Antarktīdu. Viņa lielformāta Islandes panorāmas izstādē Ņujorkas Dabas vēstures muzejā apskatīja gandrīz miljons cilvēku. Fotogrāfa darbi publicēti daudzos starptautiskos izdevumus, tai skaitā Time, National Geographic, Newsweek, Geo, W, Sunday Times Magazine un Vācijas Vogue
Dalības maksa – 30 LVL
Meistarklases cena (30 LVL) iekļauj organizatoriskās izmaksas un autobusu (neiekļauj pusdienas). Tēju/ kafiju un vīna glāzi laipni nodrošinās Ziemeļu Ministru padomes birojs.
Pieteikšanās kārtība
Pretendenti ir aicināti iesūtīt īsu fotogrāfa darbības un motivācijas aprakstu (līdz 1500 zīmēm) uz ēpastu office@issp.lv, pievienojot portfolio (vai saiti uz mājaslapu) ar 10-15 fotogrāfijām ainavas/ dokumentālajā žanrā. Pieteikumus var sūtīt latviski vai angliski; dalībai meistarklasē nepieciešāmas angļu valodas zināšanas.
Kvalitatīvi pieteikumi, kas atbilst atlases kritērijiem, tiks akceptēti rindas kārtībā.
Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš ir 2012. gada 10. aprīlis, plkst. 24:00.
Kontakti papildu informācijai: office@issp.lv, t. + 371 27842875, + 371 29711721
NB! Do not miss related events organized by Nordic Council Of Ministers’ Office in Riga:
- Exhibition of Páll Stefánsson’s Icelandic landscapes from April 20 till midsummer at the Norden office (opening on 19 April, 18:00)
- Public talk by Páll Stefánsson on 20 April 2012, 18:00 at K Suns cinema theatre. Free entrance.
NB! Nepalaidiet garām saistītus pasākumus, ko organizē Ziemeļu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā:
- Palla Stefansona Islandes ainavu izstāde, no 20. aprīļa Ziemeļu Ministru padomes birojā Marijas ielā 13/3, Berga Bazārs, Rīga (atklāšana šā gada 19. aprīlī, plkst. 18:00)
- Palla Stefansona publiskā lekcija 2012. gada 20. aprīlī, plkst. 18:00, kinoteātrī K.Suns. Ieeja bez maksas.