K: Well, I like what you said that a lot of people use the camera as a way of “being-in-the-world” but in my mind, the theme is a reminder to look beyond yourself... like, there’s a whole world out there, don’t lose perspective. “Photography” has quickly become its own topic, its own field of study, its own art form, its own hobby or passion. And it’s so easy to get lost in that I think that we have to keep reminding ourselves that it’s just one thing and even a silly little thing.
N: Hm, I agree that “photography and the world” helps us to get grounded, to be aware that the camera is only a tool to achieve something. This very basic thought is often forgotten and things become as if photography itself was the world.
H: Yes! I often catch myself reading out-raged rants online about everything from tattoos and tv-shows to photography and Foucault... And then I think, “what IS this? How can we all lose perspective so often?”
- from a chat session between editors Katherine, Nico B, and Helen
Created and launched during the ISSP 2019 in Zaļenieki, Latvia, the publication draws together the content of the first thematic edition of the International Summer School of Photography, "Photography and the World", including the plentiful questions raised by the ISSP participants, tutors and guests, as well as some passionate attempts to look for the answers.
Editorial team: Katherine Oktober Matthews, Helen Korpak, Nico Baumgarten, Nicolas Polli, Demelza Watts
Produced in partnership with Antalis, printed by NRJ Printing in Riga, Latvia, July 2019, edition of 300 copies
Free open source PDF downloadable here: ISSP2019_publication_freedownload
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