Participants & final works 2014

By Mark Steinmetz
During the workshop, the participants were making work that describes the world but which also reflects their own psyche and temperament. The aim was to help the photographers connect more deeply to their own practice and to consider their work in a more expanded context.

By Yurie Nagashima
In this workshop, the participants were searching for ways to subvert and challenge the norms of society through their photographic practice, using either self-portraits or other photographic techniques.

By Antonin Kratochvil
The workshop participants were exploring the subject of portraiture, looking at the psychology of the portrait, trying to strip away the accessories and distractions and to unveil the raw information within.

By Simon Norfolk
One of photography’s most interesting challenges is uncovering the often painful histories that surround us – their hiddenness, unsayability and the wreckage the past leaves behind. In this workshop, the students developed stories concerning local histories in Pelči, Kuldīga, Latvia or broader region of Eastern Europe.

By Adrian Kelterborn
The workshop explored different aspects of multimedia storytelling, focusing on ways of combining photographs with sound, video and other elements to create linear, cinematic stories. The participants worked with existing bodies of work to create coherent multimedia pieces.
Alissa Nirgi (EE) |
By Rafal Milach and Ania Nałęcka, in cooperation with Nico Baumgarten
The workshop gathered photographers who have completed or are close to completing their project, and ready to turn it into a photobook or printed publication. The participants went through the main stages of book production, from the concept to completion, and created their own dummy books as a result.
Alessia Bernardini (IT)
Anete Skuja (LV)
David Fathi (FR)
Dina Popova (RU)
Emine Gozde Sevim (TR)
Gunta Podina (LV)
Ilaria Di Biagio (IT)
İrem Sözen (TR)
Italo Morales (VE)
Maria Pleshkova (RU)
Natalia Pokrovskaya (RU)
Olena Bulygina (UA)
Sheila Zhao (US)
By Luca Crivellari, Nedo Baglioni and Viktorija Eksta
The participants of the workshop - 12 young people from the village of Pelči and surroundings were learning the basics of photographic language, at the same time reflecting upon their life, people and things that matter to them, their dreams and future plans.