ISSP International Masterclass 2016/2017 exhibition in Kuldīga

ISSP International Masterclass 2016/2017 Final exhibition / Noslēguma izstāde
28.10 - 19.11.2017 
Kuldīgas Mākslas nams, 1905.gada iela 6 

We cordially invite all photography lovers to see the final works of the participants of the second ISSP International Masterclass! 20 photographers from 13 countries worked on long-term projects under the guidance of experienced mentors, meeting on feedback sessions in Kuldīga and Sicily. At the end of the final workshop in Kuldīga, the participants for the first time present the photography series, installations, books and video works created during the year. The works represent two distinctly different areas - the participants of the masterclass "Conceptualising the Personal" led by Phillip Toledano (US) create intimate and emotional stories based on personal experiences, whilst the participants of the masterclass "Photographing the Past" led by Simon Norfolk (UK) are offering interpretations of often ambiguous aspects of individual and collective history.

Aicinām aplūkot otrās ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases 2016/2017 noslēgumu darbu izstādi! Gada garumā meistarklases dalībnieki - 20 fotogrāfi no 13 pasaules valstīm - veidoja ilgtermiņa projektus pasaulē atzītu ekspertu vadībā, pētot sev interesējošās parādības vai tēmas un tiekoties darba sesijās Kuldīgā un Sicīlijā. Noslēdzoties pēdējai meistarklases darbnīcai, dalībnieki pirmo reizi prezentē gada laikā radītās fotogrāfiju sērijas, instalācijas, grāmatas un video darbus. Darbi pārstāv divas atšķirīgas interešu sfēras - dziļi personiski projekti (darbnīca "Konceptualizējot personisko" Filipa Toledano vadībā), kur autori radīja intīmus un emocionālus stāstus, balstoties savā personiskajā pieredzē, un vēstures interpretācijas (darbnīca "Fotogrāfējot pagātni" Saimona Norfolka vadībā), kur autori pievērsās dažādām, bieži neviennozīmīgām personiskās un kolektīvās pagātnes šķautnēm.

Authors/ Autori: Aiga Ozoliņa (LV), Arimasa Fukukawa (JP), Chiara Luxardo (IT), Clare Hewitt (UK), Costas Kazantzis (GR), Daria Klimasheva (RU), Elena Spasova (LV), Elīna Eihmane (LV), Gaia Degli Esposti (IT), Marijn Kuijper (NL), Amy Luo (CN/US), Andrea Provenzano (IT), Birgit Püve (EE), Ilaria Di Biagio (IT), Jan Cieślikiewicz (PL/US), Kumiko Motoki (JP), Linda Klētniece (LV), Miriam Stanke (DE), Terje Abusdal (NO), Valeria Cherchi (IT)

Mentors/ Pasniedzēji: Phillip Toledano (group "Conceptualising the Personal") and Simon Norfolk (group "Photographing the Past")


Visiting hours / darba laiki
Wed-Fri-Sat 10:00 - 16:00
Thu 12:00 - 18:00
Sun 12:00 - 15:00

More info about the programme:

Thanks to Kuldīga District Council, State Culture Capital Foundation, Kuldīgas Artist's Residence, EPSON, DrukāLabā and SONY.   

ISSP 2016 - dates

Dear all, we are preparing some nice surprises for the next edition of the summer school. The ISSP 2016 will take place in Pelči, Kuldīga on 6 - 14 August! We will announce applications in March, please stay tuned!

ISSP 2015 Short Movie

Sweet bits of summer for you to enjoy during the cold winter - flashbacks from ISSP 2015 are here! The beautiful video was filmed and edited by Katrina Sauskina.

ISSP 2015 final works online

We are happy to present the final works produced by the ISSP 2015 participants this August in Kuldīga - photography series, books and videoworks from 73 participants and 9 youngsters from Kuldīga district! See the complete collection at the Final works galleries on this website and in vimeo!

ISSP 2015 Final Exhibition

We cordially invite all photography lovers to explore the results of the ISSP 2015 - the 10th anniversary edition - at the Final Exhibition in Kuldīga! The group show of ISSP participants' works will be on display until September 20 in Kuldīga Arts Hall. Welcome!